Recipe: Snow Skin Mooncakes Recipe »
Snow skin mooncakes are a popular modern Chinese mooncake and alternative to the very rich traditional mooncakes. These snow skin mooncakes are made with a matcha skin filled with a whole strawberry and cream filling! If you love strawberry matcha lattes you will love these snow skin mooncakes!
While I like traditional mooncakes having grown up eating Chinese desserts, I do find that they're dense and a bit dry. Mr NQN didn't grow up eating them and he doesn't like them at all. But we both love snow skin mooncakes, which are basically mochi. I love the combination of matcha mochi and a cheesecake style cream filling with a whole strawberry in the centre.
Tips For Making Snow Skin Mooncakes
1 - You will need mochiko or glutinous rice flour, not regular rice flour for snow skin mooncakes. This can be bought at Asian grocery stores.
2 - You can also buy mooncake molds from Asian grocery stores, especially around this time of the year or on Amazon here. I used 75g/2.6oz molds. They can be either wooden molds or plastic spring molds. I find the plastic spring ones easier to use as snow skin or mochi dough can be sticky.
3- I use toasted mochiko or glutinous rice flour to dust the cakes. Some people use cornflour/fine cornstarch but I prefer the taste of the toasted mochiko or glutinous rice flour.
4 - Look for small strawberries that will fit into your mooncake molds.
5 - I use a 3/4oz ice cream scoop for the filling. It makes things easier but you can also use a spoon or piping bag too to fill in the dough.
6- I don't recommend steaming or microwaving your mochi dough for moon cakes. While it produces a glossy dough, the stamped patterns are not as sharp.
7 - When you roll out the matcha dough try and roll the edges slightly thinner. This is because when you gather it up you want to avoid having a big lump of dough. When finishing up the mooncakes make sure to use extra toasted mochiko or glutinous rice flour on your fingers.
8 - If you want to make these completely vegan you can replace the cream filling with sweetened red bean paste called anko and replace the milk with coconut milk.
9 - Store pattern side up (obvs haha!) snow skin mooncakes in fridge for up to 2 or 3 days. They can also be frozen for up to 2-3 weeks.
Other Chinese Desserts You Might Like:
- Pineapple Tarts
- Upside Down Pineapple Cake
- Chinese New Year Cake (also made with glutinous rice flour)
- Ice Cream Mochi
I find these snow skin moon cakes incredibly addictive. I will eat one and because it has that lovely texture, I want to keep eating them. It's really a combination of creamy, fluffy, fruity and chewy and I love that heavenly combination of matcha and strawberry. Speaking of eating, for the last 2 months it has been a battle of the wills in our house. No not between Mr NQN and I but between us and Teddy Elliott. Tiny Teddy Elliott has been refusing to eat his dinner.
His younger brother Milo happily and heartily gobbles up his food but ever since we got back from Europe in November Teddy turns his nose up at his food or eats a tiny bit and leaves the rest. Mr NQN thinks something may have happened while we were away but who knows for sure.
A lot of people say that dogs (and kids) will eat when they're hungry and not to worry. This continued for a couple of months where Teddy would get fussier and then one day I had to admit that we were defeated. He was getting tinier and tinier and while he seemed fine with it, we weren't.
"You win Teddy, you have definitely won the stand off," I told him. And from then on we did give him his normal dog food because it has nutrients in it but we also add some lean pork mince and cooked grated carrot which we know he loves. If we give him 70% dog food, 30% mince he will know because he is a clever little boy but if we give him 60% dog food and 40% pork mince he will happily eat it. I'm sure that he is part dachshund (a notoriously stubborn dog breed) somewhere in that mix!
So tell me Dear Reader, do you have any tips for a fussy dog? Have you ever tried snow skin mooncakes?
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