Recipe: Sugar Cookie Martini Recipe »
We've almost made it to Christmas and that calls for a cocktail! This Sugar Cookie Martini is SO delicious and a wonderful drink to serve at Christmas. If you love drinks like Baileys, coquito or dessert cocktails you will absolutely love this cocktail that tastes just like a sugar cookie. Plus using one clever trick makes this a spectacular looking cocktail that transforms in front of your very own eyes to create stripes along the glass! This is a pushy recipe Dear Reader.
Tips For Making This Sugar Cookie Martini
1 - The striped effect is most striking with a straight edged martini glass.
2 - Fluff is not super easy to find in Australia but if you have some, by all means use that. There is a way to make Fluff easily and that's by melting white mini marshmallows and glucose or corn syrup together on low heat. You just need a bit of patience while it melts (I use marshmallows cut up with scissors because they melt quicker).
3 - Keep the saucepan of home made fluff on low heat. Once it starts to cool it sets quickly and isn't as spreadable.
4 - Make sure to just spread the marshmallow on the inside of the martini glass. I tried once with the fluff on the outside and it wasn't pretty. It started to drip a browny coloured liquid down the side as the three colours combined. Also make sure that you add the sprinkles straight away as soon as you've applied the marshmallow to the glass as that is when the marshmallow fluff is stickiest. Wipe off any sprinkles on the edge or outer rim of the glass.
5 - This sugar cookie martini recipe is easy to double, especially if you are making the fluff from scratch.
6 - The striped effect starts happening straight away and is complete within a minute or two. The stripes are strongest in the first few minutes so if you want to surprise someone with the cocktail, make it fresh.
While Christmas is tomorrow I am actually feeling quite good about it because I've had my big Christmas lunch with Friendsmas. Tomorrow's Christmas with the Elliotts is a much more low key affair and we will just put something simple out as everyone will bring a plate. It's so much easier when everyone helps out and brings something. I've been quite relaxed for this previous week and loved waking up a bit later than normal.
As much as I love dogs, I also love cats even though I am allergic to them. And there's one cat that I adore on TikTok called Ysera. She is a beautiful little cat with a neurodegenerative condition but her parents take such good care of her. I am particularly obsessed with the videos that open with her dad saying 'Goooood morning Ysera!' in a sing song voice. I find myself saying it during the day.
"From now on I only want to be greeted with 'Goooood morning Ysera!'" I said to Mr NQN who good naturedly greets me that way every morning when he wakes up.
One morning I slept in and the doorbell rang. I thought that our groceries being delivered and sleepily I made my way downstairs to help Mr NQN unpack the groceries. I was mostly unclothed (it was a 38C/104F day!) and I said, "Goooooood morning Y---" and then screamed. It was the water filter guy who I had completely forgotten about. I quickly ran up the stairs again and hid until he left. Mr NQN brought me my cup of tea upstairs laughing and shaking his head.
Anyway on that embarrassing note Dear Reader, I hope that you all have a truly wonderful festive season. I hope you make lots of wonderful memories and eat lots of delicious food!
So tell me Dear Reader, what are you having for Christmas this year? What is the vibe of your Christmas? Low key or extravagant?
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