Recipe: Big Bubble Pan Focaccia No Knead Recipe »
For the last few months I've been baking bread and slowly testing out a special focaccia recipe. I wanted bubbles. BIG bubbles. While small bubbles or a tight crumb is just as tasty as a wide crumb there was just something elusive and tempting by a big bubble focaccia. And Dear Reader, I am so excited to share this spongy, big bubble Italian focaccia recipe with you. And best of all you don't need a mixer to make this at all! Let's make some focaccia bread!
Like many of you, I got into focaccia making during COVID. It was such a delicious, easy bread to make and perfect for decorating. I almost lost count of all of the decorative focaccias that I made! Remember the Floral Focaccia Garden? I even made a Halloween Focaccia using charcoal powder. Sometimes I'd get small bubbles, sometimes big and I just wanted to make a consistent big bubble focaccia. And here is my big bubble focaccia around 15 focaccias later haha (if I don't laugh I'll cry).
Tips For Getting Big Bubbles in your No Knead Pan Focaccia
1 Autolyse is one of the main keys to getting big bubbles. That means that for the very first step you will just mix the flour and water and let it sit. Then after 30 minutes you add the salt, sugar and yeast. Autolyse gives the flour in your bread recipe time to hydrate completely and also encourages gluten development which helps with structure. It's usually used for wholewheat breads to soften the bran but also works with white wheat flour. I mix it all in with this dough whisk.
2 High protein bread flour is also important to make this focaccia. You want at least 10-12% protein per 100g for this. Look for high protein bread flours like this. Make sure to look at the protein level per 100g/3.5ozs rather than per serving. Having said that, I have gotten big bubbles using a 10% protein flour.
3 While you don't have to knead this dough, you do have to do coil foils. This is just a term that means picking up the dough with your hand and lifting it from the 12 o'clock position to the 6 o'clock position. Do this four times and then rest it for 30 minutes. Then repeat 3 times resting for 30 minutes between each fold. These stretch and folds encourage gluten development.
4 Time (along with autolyse) is the other very important key to big bubble focaccia. You need to let this dough bulk ferment in the fridge for 3 days. This also produces a better tasting focaccia.
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Because I had made over 2 dozen focaccias all with tiny differences in time, temperature and ingredients I did not really expect this focaccia to turn out but I had an inkling it might. But I don't like to get too excited just in case it doesn't work. But when I let it cool and started cutting it up, I saw the big bubbles and let out an excited woohoo!
I ran to the front of the house where Mr NQN was sitting on his computer working. "I got it to work!!! We have BIG BUBBLES!!" I said jumping up and down. "Oh cool, hang on what?" he said slightly confused as to what I was talking about. "My focaccia!!!" I said. But already his lack of enthusiasm was killing my vibe so I left him to wonder what I was doing and raced back to the kitchen.
While Mr NQN was nonplussed, two little ones were super excited. If anyone has a dog, they'll know that a dog is ready to party whenever you are. When I ran excitedly back to the kitchen Teddy and Milo followed excitedly jumping up and down. Milo was so happy that he was spinning in circles while Teddy wagged his tail happily and ran alongside me. I absolutely love that dogs are ready to go whenever you are. There is a reason why they're called our best friends. And honestly Mr NQN has to step up his excitement game!
So tell me Dear Reader, do you like big bubble focaccia? What gets you really excited?
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