Recipe: Roasted Jerusalem Artichokes Recipe »
Ever wondered what to do with Jerusalem Artichokes? Roasting them is my favourite way of cooking them! It brings out the natural sweetness of this intriguing vegetable. And learn about what you have to do to Jerusalem Artichokes to make them more digestion friendly too. These roasted Jerusalem Artichokes make a wonderful side dish and alternative for roast potatoes.
Jerusalem Artichokes, Sunchokes, Sunroots or Earth Apples are native to North America and are a cultivated root vegetable or tuber. You can eat the raw, sauté or fry Jerusalem Artichokes but my favourite way is to have them roasted because vegetables that have a natural sweetness to them really caramelise beautifully when you roast them. Despite the name they're not really like a globe artichoke at all (they're really completely different) although a roasted Jerusalem artichoke taste a bit like a cross between the heart of a globe artichoke and a potato. I sometimes just snack on them if I'm hungry in the morning as well as have them as a vegetable side dish.
Storing Jerusalem Artichokes
Keep your Jerusalem Artichokes in a brown paper bag in the crisper of your fridge where they will last 1-2 weeks. Only wash them when you are ready to use them - you don't need to peel them, just scrub them well!
The Thing about Jerusalem Artichokes...
If you've ever eaten them you may have come across a common problem when eating them. They really affect your digestion. Jerusalem artichokes contain Inulin which is non-digestible carbohydrate that is fermented by gut bacteria. So once they hit your tummy you'll know! But there's a really, really easy way around this!
Soak the Jerusalem Artichokes in an acidic water so 3-4 cups of water with 2 tablespoons of lemon juice or vinegar to hydrolyse the inulin. This will make the inulin a more digestible sugar. I promise this really works!!
Other recipes for Jerusalem Artichokes: Jerusalem Artichoke Vichysoisse Soup and Roasted Fennel & Leek Soup With Jerusalem Artichokes.
Whenever I cook I have a bit of an audience. That is, Teddy and Milo often circle around the kitchen island hoping for scraps. I call them my little "land sharks". I have heard that dogs have intelligence of toddlers but I like to think that these two dogs are much smarter than that and can actually understand what we say. But then they'll get so excited and lose their mind and focus when it comes to food. I was sitting on the bed editing a video and I said to them, "Shall we get started on dinner?" Milo jumped up excitedly (it's like he is spring loaded and can jump metres high) and accidentally swiped my right eye with his paw.
Milo would never hurt me on purpose and he is also my baby so I could never be too stern with him but I did tell him that he hurt my eye and I looked sad in an exaggerated way. He looked beside himself and just kept looking at me with big eyes and furtive glances (his other name is Eeyore because of the way he looks when abashed). And ever since then, he never jumped up again ever so I do think he is smarter than the average bear!
So tell me Dear Reader, do you think animals can understand what you say or can understand your body language? Do you like Jerusalem artichokes?
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