Recipe: Perfect Rotisserie Chicken On Garlic Bread Recipe »
This roast chicken is like a dupe of your favourite rotisserie bbq chicken but incredibly juicy and tender too. The chicken slow cooks in a low oven ensuring that it isn't dried out so that it positively spills with juices when cut. I also cooked this on a garlic bread loaf with herbs and tomatoes but this isn't even necessary. Just the chicken by itself is simple but delicious! Or just roast the chicken on the potatoes! This is a pushy recipe Dear Reader.
This rotisserie style roast chicken is a result of talking to two of my friends. Monica makes a roast chicken that cooks on a low heat 120C/248F for a few hours. This keeps the chicken succulent and juicy and like me, she also likes dry brining the chicken beforehand. And when I told Laura about my roast chicken adventures she told me about a recipe idea that she had seen on TikTok by chef Colin Fassnidge where he roasted a chicken atop a loaf of bread. And that's how we ended up with the most delicious roast chicken on garlic bread!
Tips For Making an Incredible Roast Chicken
1 - The key to this delicious seasoning mix is the use of Lemon Pepper. Lemon pepper is a mixture of lemon rind, salt and black pepper and gives the chicken a delicious lemony kick to it. I recently went to a restaurant that used Lemon Pepper in their Ras El Hanout and it made the spice mixture pop so much that I started making my own lemon pepper when I had an excess of lemons. But don't worry you don't have to make lemon pepper, you can buy it at the supermarket too! I make up a jar of this and use 2 tablespoons of the spice mix for a 1.5kg/3.3lb chicken.
2- I love brining chicken. It's a small step that gives the chicken a restaurant quality result and takes 2 minutes total active time and just some waiting time. Dry brining also has the advantage of crisping up the skin beautifully.
3 - With this recipe you don't have to constantly baste the chicken. Nor do you have to marinate the chicken! Just baste this once near the end and season the chicken just before you roast it.
4 - You want bread that fits as snugly over the chicken as possible. The bits of bread not under the chicken will crisp up quite a bit so you want an oval or cob loaf or something like that.
5 - Sometimes you just want a roast chicken and potatoes because perhaps the bread is too hard. I get that. Steps 1-3 give you an amazingly delicious roast chicken and potatoes. Step 1-4 give you a show stopping chicken, bread and potatoes.
Speaking of my friends, recently Laura and I had a little girls weekend in Victoria. We went for lunch in Daylesford and at 2pm we started to head back towards Melbourne for our 5:10pm flight. It would give us just enough time in the lounge to do some work as she had a big pitch the following day and then get on the plane. "Can you drive so that I can work?" she said and I jumped in the driver's seat and hit the start button on the car.
Nothing. The computer display flashed and then died. A light dinged that there was a parking error and we looked at each other. Realising that we needed help straight away we put in a call to the Hertz car rental emergency number that connected us to the RACV who promised a 1 hour response time. In the meantime we looked up the car manual and youtube videos to try and see if we could figure out what was wrong but to no avail. An hour later a man rang saying that he would be there in half an hour.
Laura is a pro in a crisis (she works in PR) and managed to book 1 ticket for me using points and changed her ticket because she had booked it direct. Finally someone arrived, 2 hours after our call and quickly diagnosed it as a flat battery. This was a huge relief because it was a quick fix and within minutes we were on our way to the airport.
Google took us the most scenic, beautiful way and it actually helped soothe our frayed nerves. One of the lovely women at the lounge upon hearing that we'd had a bad day even upgraded our seats one level and told us that tomorrow would be a better day because she could tell that we had good hearts. Laura rehearsed for her pitch and we relaxed before our flight. The flight was thankfully uneventful and Mr NQN picked us both up with Teddy and Milo in the role of canine therapy. We dropped Laura off around 10:30pm at her apartment. She had a full night planned of rehearsals and the pitch early the next morning. On our way home I told Mr NQN about everything that had happened.
And then Laura called.
It turned out that during our weekend away her apartment had flooded with the crazy Sydney rain! She had had a little cry and composed herself and then booked herself into a hotel for the next 2 nights. She unplugged all the electricals and within a few hours was sitting at a room at the Shangri-la Hotel eating delivered KFC because sometimes you need to sage your life and eventually, hopefully, life stops antagonising you!
So tell me Dear Reader, have you ever have one of those days? Have you ever tried roasting chicken on bread? What do you think of this idea?
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