Recipe: Tomato Zucchini Flower Tart Recipe »
This heirloom tomato and zucchini flower tart makes the most of the last of the summer's produce of sweet, ripe Oxheart tomatoes and zucchini flowers. On the base is a crisp pastry and it is topped with pesto, bechamel sauce, cheese, sweet red tomatoes and zucchini flowers and finished with olive oil and flakey salt. This is the perfect tart or pie for lunch for a crowd!
This tomato pie or tart was not supposed to be as delicious as it was. It was actually a purely leftover pie. I was headed to interstate for a food festival and I wanted to make something to use up the vegetables from our vege box and the things I had in my fridge. That afternoon I did a quick survey: I had some leftover home made pastry in the freezer, some cheese that needed to be eaten, a cup of béchamel sauce and pesto. I know it may sound a bit too much adding tomatoes and zucchini flowers as well (it's like I basically tossed together every Italian ingredient I had) but I just had to use up these ingredients.
The flavour of the tomatoes really shines in this tart and nothing can really go wrong when you add pesto or bechamel to anything while zucchini flowers are really there to add sparkle-they're the sequins on top of the tart. Using leftover Brillat Savarin cheese seems extravagant but it had sat in our fridge for longer than it should have (now that I have high cholesterol thanks to genetics I can't eat cheese like I used to) and I know Mr NQN would never help himself to cheese while I was away so in it went to the tomato pie.
This was actually very similar to a tomato tart that Queen Viv brought over for Christmas. She made it in a round, ceramic pie dish and uncovered it ready to serve. Now Queen Viv is one of my longest term friends and she is sort of like a mother to me. However she has always had a soft spot for men, especially good looking men. I always tell her that she always tends to give them an easy out whereas she is harder on women (it might be a generational thing). On the other hand, she's also a strong woman who would prefer to live alone than be with a sub standard guy. It's complicated.
She asked Mr NQN to cut up the tart for her. He took her knife and looked at it as if he didn't know what to do with it. He made a half hearted attempt to cut it and she watched him with growing impatience before taking the tart and knife away from him exclaiming, "He's got very weak wrists!". We had to explain that nowadays we call that weaponised incompetence. And once I explained what weaponised incompetence was, Mr NQN started to change things. He now does so much housework (probably more than me) although all the cooking is still done by me which I prefer because I care about what I eat!
So tell me Dear Reader, how do you split the housework? Have you ever had a leftover dish come together really well?
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