Recipe: ANZAC Biscuit Cheesecake Recipe »
This ANZAC Biscuit baked cheesecake is perfect if you looking for something delicious to serve on ANZAC Day to commemorate the occasion. This cheesecake starts with a home made ANZAC biscuit crust, a creamy vanilla filling and a salted coconut butterscotch sauce on top! This is a pushy recipe Dear Reader.
ANZAC Day is a national day of remembrance in Australia and New Zealand that commemorates the members of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) who served and died in all wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations. It is observed every year on April 25th which is the anniversary of the ANZACs landing at Gallipoli during World War I. ANZAC Biscuits are the food most commonly associated with ANZAC Day. These biscuits are made with oats, flour, golden syrup, butter and sugar. They're absolutely delicious and very simple to make. This chewy and a crunchy version of ANZAC biscuit is one of my most popular recipes.
One time a friend brought over an ANZAC biscuit cheesecake. She had made it the night before and we cut into it. While it was nice and she had obviously done a great job, it was way too sweet for both of us (and she's a sweet tooth) and the ANZAC biscuit crust was really thick and solid as the base was one giant ANZAC biscuit so it was hard to eat. I decided to make one with a more balanced sweetness with a thin, perfectly moreish ANZAC biscuit crumb.
Tips For Making This ANZAC Biscuit Cheesecake
1 - I've given directions on how to make the ANZAC biscuit base yourself but you can certainly use store bought ANZAC biscuits if you want to skip this step and make it easier. You may have to add some more melted butter to the base however so that the mixture resembles damp sand.
2 - To get the crust thin and even up the sides I use a straight sided glass. I even call it my "cheesecake glass" haha! It also has a slight rise in the bottom centre of the glass so that it pushes the crumbs up and out and ensures that the corners (which is where it is too often too thick) are thin!
3 - To prevent the cheesecake cracking make sure to use room temperature cream cheese and eggs. You should be able to easily slide a knife through the cream cheese with very little resistance. Also bake the cheesecake in a water bath and once the cheesecake is baked, turn off the heat and leave the cheesecake to cool in the oven. Having said that you don't really have to worry about it cracking as it will have a butterscotch sauce on top!
4 - Cheesecake is always best when it has time to cool in the fridge overnight.
For some reason I always think that a cheesecake is a bit of a bigger production than a regular cake and I'm not sure why. A cheesecake does take longer to cook and once you get a water bath involved it seems intimidating. There's a bit of stop starting while it's cooking and cooling but I just use that time to catch up on things that I haven't been able to. Cheesecake is actually one of the easiest cakes and is always reliably delicious. Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever had a bad home made cheesecake ever!
Speaking of catching up on things, I realised how reliant I am on the internet when I meet people that just don't spend any time on the internet at all. When I went to Antarctica I had very little internet and it was expensive - it cost $80USD for 1GB and I use about 1.5GB per day in my normal life. Instagram is the greatest drain of data for me so Mr NQN told me that I should avoid scrolling my feed. It was hard because it's second nature to me and it helps me keep up with what my friends are doing. I started to feel disconnected to people and could only Whatsapp people. Some of my closest relationships involve sending memes all day long.
One day when my internet ran out I started to have a panic attack while I was in my room by myself. "What if something happens to me and I just die in this room by myself? I can't tell anyone that I'm in trouble!" I thought to myself. I started breathing quickly and getting panicked. I threw on some layers and left my room sucking in the air. I had just had a mini panic attack. Once I was connected again I felt like I could relax. I was like a baby with a pacifier.
Once I got back onto land, I spent hours just browsing the internet. There was so much to catch up on and so much to see. Sometimes two or three hours would pass and I would wonder where all the time had gone! So while some people have addictions to shopping, drugs, sex or drink, it's an internet addiction for me.
So tell me Dear Reader, what addictions do you have? Will you be making anything for ANZAC day? Have you ever had a bad home made cheesecake?
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