Recipe: Nduja, Olive & Tomato Sausage Rolls Recipe »
Nduja lovers, I cannot recommend that you make these sausage rolls enough. If you love sausage rolls with buttery puff pastry and a spicy, delicious filling then you've got to make these delightful nduja, black olive and tomato sausage rolls. This is a pushy recipe Dear Reader!
Sausage rolls are one of my favourite foods. I love the combination of the seasoned meat filling and buttery puff pastry. I always feel like home made sausage rolls are the best because you can use butter puff pastry rather than vegetable fat puff pastry and the difference in flavour is enormous. And if I can be boastful, may I ask that I make a mean sausage roll, perhaps powered by my absolute passion for them.
My secret to the best sausage rolls apart from butter puff pastry is using a milk soaked breadcrumb mixture that makes the filling light in texture. Also I always make sure that the sausage filling is perfectly seasoned so I always heat and taste the filling before wrapping them up.
What is nduja? Nduja (pronounced en-DOO-ya) is a Calabrian spicy, spreadable salami that originated in Spilinga in Southern Italy. If you've ever had Spanish sobrassada it's a cousin of this delicious pork spread; likewise if you're a fan of chorizo, it's in a similar vein in that it is a spicy, pork fermented sausage. It gets its signature red colour from the Calabrian chillies. Some say that the word "nduja" is similar to "andouille", the French sausage and both originally used the lesser cuts containing fifth quarter offcuts, fat and offal although nowadays nduja usually omits the offal.
In Australia Nduja is usually sold uncooked in zip lock packets in 100g/150g quantities at Italian delis, salumi stores or cheese shops and a quick google will find you a stockist.
I was in a bit of a mood when I made these nduja sausage rolls. Mr NQN was working in the office that day and I missed his presence and his constant reassuring voice in the background from the other room as he made zoom call after zoom call. I also had to cancel my plans that evening which makes me very sad. The haze from backburning had engulfed Sydney for the second time in as many weeks. I was scheduled to go out for a birthday dinner with Laura but we both were sick from the smoke in the air. I was feeling very sorry for myself.
I guess that's my rather long explanation as to how I ended up eating four of these incredibly delicious nduja sausage rolls in a row. Even little Teddy unfurled himself from his egg shaped bed and came into the kitchen to beg for some comestibles. When none were forthcoming he settled for the buttery crumbs spilled from high above while I was standing at the counter blissfully devouring sausage roll after roll.
When Mr NQN came home after work I told him that I was feeling blah because I wanted to go out but wasn't able to. He seemed a bit confused by it all though so I asked him, "How do you feel when you have to cancel plans?"
"Bloody happy!" he replied laughing. I guess it's tntrovert/extrovert misunderstandings!
So tell me Dear Reader, how do you feel when plans are cancelled? Do you like nduja? And how do you feel about sausage rolls?
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