Recipe: Cherry Pit Syrup Recipe »
Don't throw away those cherry pits! They make a fantastic cherry syrup that you can use to flavour your favourite cocktails or soda water for a refreshing and sweet drink!
Last year I shared with you a recipe for Mango Pit and Skin Syrup and from there I discovered a whole world of waste reduction recipes including this one for cherry pit syrup!
I probably don't need to point out that if you're intending to give this syrup to others you want to cut the cherries in half and then remove the pit rather than chewing and sucking on them. I'd assume the high temperatures and sugar might kill any bugs but then again this is not the year to give medical advice.
This recipe is from a lovely reader Imogen Jones-Crossley. She mentioned how she makes a cherry syrup from the cherry pits and I was surprised at how little meat the cherries needed to create a beautiful deep mahogany coloured syrup. The flavour wasn't as strong as the mango pit syrup but it was amazing how much colour you could get from the pips.
I had to wrestle the cherries from Mr NQN for this. You see he adores fruit and he loves sucking on cherries for around 5 minutes removing every last bit of flesh from the pit. I knew that if he got a hold of the cherries, I'd actually have nothing to make into a syrup. I eat cherries rather differently, you can see how well he cleans a cherry pit vs mine.
Funnily enough, because I grew up eating meat and he didn't, the reverse is true for eating meat off the bone and seafood. He leaves a lot of meat behind while I barely leave anything on the bone or in the shell.
So tell me Dear Reader, do you eat your cherries clean like Mr NQN? How are you at eating meat off the bone? Are you an efficient bone and pit cleaner?
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