Recipe: Sourdough Crumpets Recipe »
Sourdough bakers, don't throw away the sourdough discard! Make sourdough crumpets instead! They're even easier to make than regular crumpets as the sourdough discard is already a perfect crumpet batter. Just add a little leavening and soon you'll be eating the lightest, holiest crumpets. These are never fail sourdough crumpets with lots of holes to soak up butter. It's also the perfect Father's Day or breakfast treat and is a pushy recipe!
Crumpets are one of my favourite breakfast foods especially in colder months. I only realised recently when chatting to a friend that sourdough crumpets are even easier to make than regular as the sourdough has done all the work already. Better still, there's no reason to throw away any sourdough discard. I loved these so much I contemplated starting another sourdough mother so I could make these regularly. I gave one of these sourdough crumpets to Laura and she declared them the best crumpets she had ever eaten!
What is sourdough discard? To maintain your sourdough starter you feed it flour and water and you end up discarding some of the starter or throwing it away to make it more manageable (if you make sourdough daily then this isn't as much an issue). But that sourdough starter is perfectly good and makes for wonderful crumpets!
Tips for making foolproof sourdough crumpets:
1 - This recipe makes 6 sourdough crumpets using an 8cm/3inch cutter.
2 - Non stick pan works best for crumpets with oil added.
3 - Make sure to feed your starter a day or two before you use the discard. Sleepy starter doesn't work well and will affect the puffiness of the crumpets.
4 - Let's talk egg rings and crumpet rings! Crumpet rings can be hard to find and I didn't want to go to the shops because well COVID! I used 8cm/3inch round cookie cutters that weren't non stick (tips below). You want them to be at least 18mm/0.7inch high. Egg rings are 12mm/0.5inch high and they will also work but the crumpet will be flatter than pictured. Cookie cutters have a thicker edge - place this thicker edge directly on the pan.
5 - Make the egg ring non stick by heating it first. Place the egg rings on the oiled pan and allow to become hot. Then brush the inside with oil to make them more non stick. If you have non stick crumpet rings or silicon ones you can skip this step.
6 - Try and use the batter once you mix it up, within 30 minutes ideally as the baking powder is activated once you add the water. Ideally you would cook 4 or so at a time.
7 - Make sure to cook the crumpets on medium heat and not high heat. You want the crumpets to cook through without burning the bottom.
8 - The crumpets are cooked all the way through when bubbles appear on the surface and then pop to make holes. Do not remove from the heat before the holes pop.
9 - If you are eating them straight away then flip the crumpets over and fry them hole side down to toast them. Serve with butter and honey or however you like them.
10 - If you are eating them later you can stop after step 3 as you don't have to toast the top of the crumpet. You can store these crumpets ready to be toasted another day. I placed them in an airtight container in the fridge and toasted them when I need them. Crumpets also freeze well.
11 - Troubleshooting: no holes? Add a little more water to the batter. Remember the batter must be pourable, like the texture of thickened cream.
12 - Troubleshooting: crumpets not cooked in the centre? Try placing the lid on the frying pan to keep the heat on the top. Otherwise try adjusting the temperature up a little.
What else can you make with sourdough discard? You can make crackers, pancakes or waffles as it's just essentially flour and water that is activated with cultures.
Speaking of Father's Day, Mr NQN is definitely a proud father of our dog Teddy. However sometimes says that he sometimes feels odd walking down the street with him because Mr NQN can be a bit scruffy looking while Teddy with his fluffy, manicured look and perfect poodle prance looks, well...fancy.
Teddy was invited to a dog birthday party and there was a dress up theme. "Excellent! Teddy likes a dress up!" I said to Mr NQN.
"He doesn't like wearing silly clothes," said Mr NQN gruffly.
"Yes he does, and I have to break it to you that Teddy is clearly a flouncy, fancy boy. He might even be pansexual," I answered.
"What? I don't even think he knows what that is," he said.
"He probably doesn't. But Teddy loves everyone and everyone loves him," I answered before reminding him that Teddy's fanciness and personality is part of his charm!
So tell me Dear Reader, are you making anything for Father's Day this year? Have you ever tried making sourdough crumpets?
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