Recipe: Oaxacan Chicken Soup or Caldo de Fandango del Valle Recipe »
I had one chicken. I had to make it count. I wanted it to not only taste good but I wanted it to be a balm for all the ills out there at the moment. Chicken soup for the soul in the most desperate way. Chicken soup to fill a dull ache in the heart. To soothe an anxious pulse or pat a sweat dripped brow. In short, I was expecting a lot of this humble chicken. Enter Caldo de Fandango del Valle or Oaxacan Chicken Soup for the soul.
I realise a whole chicken is like gold to many people at the moment. Meat supplies have dwindled at supermarkets and you may occasionally find a pack of beef, usually the more expensive cuts. But chicken? Forget it, that's a hot commodity.
So I know that many of you don't have a whole chicken in which case you can use turkey too which seems to be more easily available or really any meat in this will do or tinned/dried and soaked vegetables. We only have a regular sized fridge freezer so stockpiling meat isn't feasible so I totally get having to substitute things.
Meats: use chicken pieces instead of a whole chicken where it will save time cutting it up. You can also use pork bones or meaty soup bones. Vegetables: Add other chunky vegetables for flavour-celery, sweet potato or potato also works. If you don't have tinned tomatoes, blend ripe fresh tomatoes in a food processor and season with salt and pepper and a tablespoon of oil. Bread and rice: Don't have bread? Try blending the cup of chicken stock with white cannellini beans for a creamy base and then adding the rest of the tin into the soup! Don't have rice? Use millet or barley or just keep it as a clear broth.
With this precious whole chicken I leafed through one of my favourite cookbooks Oaxaca by Bricia Lopez. It fell open to a bookmark for a chicken soup or Caldo de Fandango del Valle that had caught my eye months ago. It was simple and I learned through making her other dish of Oregano chicken that flavours of garlic, cumin, lime and black pepper go so well together. I made a few edits, quite a few so that I can't say that it is necessarily an Oaxacan chicken soup in authenticity but I don't think I strayed too far in terms of flavours. But please make this as it's so comforting and delicious and goes a long way.
I invited my friend Ivy over for it. She and I have been very diligent in making sure that we socially isolate and formed our own quarantine club with Mr NQN. That's when a group of friends or family who are fastidious in making sure that they are socially isolated get to hang out and have fun together (although now we're just staying at our respective homes and video skyping each other). We ate it with both our doggies beseeching us with large saucer eyes for a taste of this wonderfully spicy and full flavoured chicken soup. Chicken soup was never the same again and really neither is life.
So tell me Dear Reader, how are you going? Are you ok?
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