Recipe: Salmon Baked in Fig Leaves Recipe »
Want a gorgeous and easy way to bake salmon? Try baking your salmon in fig leaves! These gorgeous leaves impart a gorgeous lightly smokey aroma to the fish. Plus, it makes cleaning a cinch!
This salmon could not be simpler. There's virtually nothing to wash up afterwards (just scrunch up the parchment and leaves and toss). The pan bears no marks of being used and the fig leaves impart a subtle smokey, coconutty aroma to the fish. I was recently interviewed and someone asked me what makes a great appliance or recipe and I said something that I love is easy clean up!
I've been trying to get Mr NQN to be a bit cleaner. It's hard Because he claims that he cannot see mess. He has some leftover resentment from his parents who would ask him to clean things and then add more things and more things so that now he leaves everything until the last minute so that nobody can add anything to his to-do list.
So after so many years together I think I've refined my technique. My tactic is to pre-warn him that there are some chores coming. This is to avoid shocking or surprising him because these creatures are easily scared. Then I give him a written list of the chores that he ticks off. It goes without saying that adding things to the list will probably cause a tantrum or at the very least a bit of gristling.
He was supposed to take out the garbage one night but promised to do it the next morning. "Oh noooo way, I know you'll forget, that always happens," I said shaking my head. He protested and I negotiated to receive a 20 minute massage if he forgot.
I opened up the bin the next day and saw that he forgot! So that night after my shower I told him that I was ready for my 20 minute massage. With great reluctance he got up and started to administer the massage. It started off a bit wobbly-he was a little "fragrant" as it was the end of a hot work day and I've never appreciated the personal hygiene standards of a professional masseuse more. By the end of my 20 minute massage I was very relaxed and I have to admit that he did a great job. I've now found a way to manage my stress when he forgets to do a chore!
So tell me Dear Reader, do you have any tips on how to encourage cleaning? And what makes for a great appliance for you? Have you ever baked your food in leaves?
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