Recipe: Three Cheese & Garlic Butter Christmas Wreath Bread {With Dipping Sauce!} Recipe »
It's almost that time of the year when you're deciding what to make for Christmas. This Christmas dinner roll wreath has the softest, lightest buns and is made with three types of cheese and a garlic butter glaze. Serve with a tomato dipping sauce and it will be one of those dishes you won't forget!
This bread gets its a super light texture from using duck eggs in it instead of chicken eggs. Don't worry you'll still get a wonderfully light cheese and garlic bread even if you use chicken eggs as I realise that duck eggs are difficult to procure.
I've recently started to come around to using garlic powder. While I go through heads of fresh garlic, adding a teaspoon of garlic powder to a small pot of melted butter makes the fastest garlic butter around, plus it doesn't burn like chopped, fresh garlic. Try it once and I promise you might get hooked into this instant garlic butter hack.
I loved this bread so much that I ate a quarter of it in one sitting for dinner so I now have to make another one for Christmas. If you love cheese and garlic then please make this.
If there's one thing I can make it is tangzhong bread. But when I'm given compliments on other things, I react in a peculiar way. As if I go out of my way to disprove a compliment.
A few weeks ago my cousin from Singapore was visiting Sydney. After my father's stroke we give lifts to my family but not all of us could fit into one car. So my cousin went in the car with me. We were going to a restaurant in the city and we were about 3 minutes away so we'd be right on time. He remarked, "You're a good driver. You're confident and you look like you know where you're going."
I will also let you know that a) google maps was telling me where to go and b) he also thinks my father is a good driver and he drives like Mister Magoo.
And as soon as he said that, the whole caper fell apart. Google maps told me to go down a street where there were tram works going on and well you know how many one way streets there are in the city right? We ended up being 15 minutes late instead of smack bang on time and I was sure he regretted giving that compliment haha!
So tell me Dear Reader, do you react strangely to compliments? What is something you're good at? Have you ever tried making garlic butter like this?
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