Recipe: Chocolate Mousse Meringue Cake Recipe »
There's something about winter that sets off an unabiding lust for chocolate in me. I mean good quality, silky smooth, buttery chocolate that melts on the tongue that makes you forget the cares of the world outside, even for a few seconds. Escapism via palate. And this cake was borne out of playing around one day. It has a chocolate dacquoise base, a chocolate mousse dome and it is covered with chocolate meringue straws. I called her Freya.
This cake started off because I had two egg whites and I wanted to use them up. I started making meringue sticks and then built a cake from there. It's a rich cake but I like to think that it's well balanced with the hazelnuts, dark chocolate and the sweet element from the meringue.
People always ask me where my cakes go. I usually cut one slice and that's a taster. Then the rest of the cake goes to either my parents, Mr NQN's work or to an event or the Asylum Seeker's Resource Centre where we volunteer to make and serve lunch once a month. In the case of this cake that is where it went.
I walked in on the Friday laden down with goodies including a chickpea, spinach and red lentil curry, nori & sesame rice, beef curry puffs, cookies, candies and this cake. I was surprised to see the new kitchen that was finally completed. The old kitchen wasn't quite up to scratch. The microwave sort of plodded on as if performing on 20% power. The stovetops took forever to heat up and the oven was temperamental. We resorted to making all our things at home and heating up there if we couldn't avoid doing it at home.
Through donations they completed the new kitchen and it was fantastic. It was a proper commercial kitchen with stainless steel benchtops, warmer displays, cooling displays and the best thing, a dishwasher that took 2 minutes to complete a cycle.
Serving was a busy time-there were around 50 people but all were friendly and said thank you with broad smiles. When dessert came out they all wanted one of everything and I tried to cut the cake into as many pieces as I could so nobody would miss out.
With the transition and the new kitchen some of the clients didn't know that they still had to scrape their plates and put them in the dishwasher so there was extra cleaning for us so we were a bit tired after it. But it was all worth it when a lady came up to us at the end said, "This was the best meal I've had in 6 months. Please come back!"
So tell me Dear Reader, what is your favourite brand and type of chocolate? Do you eat more chocolate in winter?
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