Recipe: Egg Curry Recipe »
Ever tried an egg curry? This masala egg curry is a richly flavoured, spicy, tomato based curry. I first tried a curry like this when visiting Harris Park and fell in love with this simple non-meat curry. It was when I had some eggs that needed using that I remembered this curry and before I knew it, I had the makings of a delicious dinner!
A few days ago I asked something on Instagram stories that I thought would only apply to me and maybe a couple of people. You see I love eggs and always have at least two or three dozen in the fridge mainly for cakes. But sometimes I get nauseous after eating eggs, especially savoury dishes (definitely not in a cake). I had just made a frittata that upon the first forkful was delicious but after the second I felt deep heaving coming on. I asked Nina if she ever experienced this and she said sometimes but as a vegetarian who needs a lot of protein because of her exercise regime they're the fastest and easiest thing for her to cook.
I did a little (non scientific) poll on Instagram stories and it turned out that around 45% of people there also got a bit nauseous after eating eggs. It happens to me around half the time and it never happens if there's egg in a recipe, it's only if it is the main ingredient. I did a bit of research and it just said that there were generally three causes for this: food poisoning, food intolerance and food allergy and that eggs contain proteins that can trigger the allergy.
Well after all that how crazy is it that I am giving you an egg curry recipe? Well half of you don't get sick after eating eggs and I didn't after eating this. In fact I loved this richly flavoured curry. I gave it to Mr NQN who adored it. He never gets sick after eating eggs (he can also wolf down a dozen eggs!). I served it with soft, warm naan bread.
So tell me Dear Reader, do you ever feel nauseous after eating eggs? How many eggs do you eat in a week?
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