Recipe: Rhubarb and Raspberry Tart Recipe »
Meet Ruby the rhubarb and raspberry ginger custard tart. She's a bright and pretty pink number with glossy, crisp rhubarb batons on top and a quivering custard belly inside while the sour cream pastry shatters with every bite.
The egg custard and pastry when warm reminds me of Chinese egg custard tarts. Mr NQN prefers the rhubarb to be very soft and sweet whereas for me I loved its tart crispness. And this way you get those pristine, glossy logs of rhubarb because cooking it any longer means that the strands start to come away from the stem (and it happens quickly!).
I know I've written at length at how different Mr NQN and I are. Physically we are different-he's tall, I'm tiny and he's all country boy casual and I get dressed up even when rock climbing (well not dressed up but I wear full make up).
But oddly, sometimes people don't even think that we're married and he gets called my bodyguard although he's very lean and doesn't resemble a typical bodyguard. The other day we were signing in for rock climbing. The girl behind the counter asked Mr NQN's name and found his membership. She then asked for my name and found my account.
Then she looked at both of us, "Wow, you two look so different. How are you related?". It took me a few seconds to understand what she meant. I doubt she meant any malice, she looked genuinely curious and I think she thought we might be adopted siblings or something.
"Um yeah, well we're married," I answered.
The poor girl turned the shade of rhubarb in a second. "Oh yeah...ummm forget I asked that," she said totally embarrassed. We didn't want to laugh in front of her as she was now a bright shade of pink but we had to laugh once we were out of earshot!
So tell me Dear Reader, do you ever come out with questions you wished you hadn't asked? When was the last time you blushed and what caused it? What embarrasses you? And do you prefer soft or crisp rhubarb?
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