Recipe: Gooey, Melty Pizza Dip {Easy!} Recipe »
Wow. Just wow. This pizza dip is everything you could want in a snack or a dip. For starters it is easy. So easy. And secondly it is delicious. If you love pizza and melted cheese you need to make this dip (yes I'm being pushy here)!
I have to admit that sometimes I am slightly suspicious of recipes that seem too easy. Will it pay off? Will it taste like I didn't make any effort? Or will it be that divine and serendipitous combination of easy but tasty. This dip my Dear Reader is the latter. Honestly the hardest thing is just waiting for the cheese to bake up, bubble and melt.
What isn't so easy though is that we have started looking to move to another place. We need a place that is a bit bigger because this is just too small for us as I work from home. And as anyone knows the Sydney property market is not an easy one to deal with at all. In fact it is downright savage with the competition and the prices and wondering if we shouldn't just stay where we are and avoid the whole rigmarole.
The first day we were looking in the Newtown area looking at properties. We had searched online and saved the properties in our price range onto the app and were ready for a merry go round of open houses. It was difficult to find a park on the street and we had Mochi so I hopped out of the car and went to look at the first house.
It was beautiful. The terrace house flowed seamlessly and it had a space for me to work in, a renovated kitchen and bathroom and a gorgeous outdoor entertaining area. It also had the most gorgeous bedroom ever. I messaged Mr NQN that he needed to get to this house ASAP and we needed to put down an offer.
His answer came back straight away. "You're in the wrong house," he said. It turned out that I had fallen in love with a house that was half a million dollars more than we could afford. So deflated, I picked up my enthusiasm for the house, exited with a stifled cry and a sniff and left. Yep, this dip is much easier than looking for a place to live especially when you can't even find the right number! ;)
So tell me Dear Reader, do you have any tips for the property market? How long did it take you to fin a place? And would you like this dip?
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