Recipe: Floating Snowman Chai Eggnog Recipe »
Have a bit of fun this Christmas by serving up this version of eggnog with a floating snowman on top! A rum and brandy eggnog is given a spicy twist with chai spices in this smooth and creamy Christmas time drink!
'Tis the day before Christmas, actually Christmas Eve and perhaps you're like me, running around trying to get everything bought, rooms cleaned and food prepped. What are your Christmas plans this year? Tonight we will be having my family over at our place. Christmas Day will be spent with Mr NQN's family at his aunt and uncle's house (yes we're going to see the Elliotts again for the first time in a few years - wish me luck!) and then Boxing Day will be at my parent's house. It will be an eating fest for the ages.
But as for the past few days, I've been going non stop fuelled by a small amount of sleep. And if you're operating in a similar vein, may I offer you this hot beverage to stop, sip and calm down. I look forward to several foods at Christmas and eggnog is one of them. I think it's my addiction to nutmeg.
I decided that this year I'd make a version combining my other addiction: chai spices to round out the flavour of the egg nog. After all spices are all around at Christmas with gingerbread and fruit cake. The snowman decoration is whimsical and optional and if you have candy corn on hand it's easy but effective (thanks Ivy for the candy corn!). Take a sip of this heavenly chai egg nog and relax and get your sugar levels up again Dear Reader. Because that's the only thing that saved my sanity this week.
I was recently running on empty. Mr NQN, Nina, Garth and I did our final escape room for the year. Except in my haste to book a spot, I made a booking right smack in the middle of dinner time. That meant that it was too early to have dinner before so we had to have dinner afterwards.
But when we got there, I was hopeless. I couldn't concentrate and tasks or riddles which should have been straightforward were a jumble to me. I looked around at the three of them solving puzzles around me and all I could think was "duhhhh". I wondered if this was what it was like to be the dumbest in the room and it was an unsettling and terrible feeling. We did make it out with under a minute to spare but I think I only really solved one big puzzle and the rest of the team did the rest. I was definitely the LVP (least valuable player) that night...
Moral of the story: always stop for food and drink and have a good team behind you. Kind of like at Christmas!
So before I close up I just want to wish you lovelies a very Merry Christmas! This blog turning 10 this year has made me very reflective and grateful for your Dear Readership. I hope your Christmas is full of love and joy and that there are lots of delicious things to eat! I'll be back in a couple of days to show you what we got up to for Christmas!
Lots of love,
Lorraine xxx
So tell me Dear Reader, do you run around madly just before Christmas or are you a Christmas expert (and if so, what are your tips?).
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