Recipe: Strawberry & Rhubarb Pop Tart Pastries Recipe »
These gorgeous little hand pies or breakfast pastries are modelled on pop tarts but they're full of home made goodness with more real fruit inside them. With a rhubarb and strawberry filling they're a great grab on the go breakfast or snack.
The first time I tried pop tarts when I was a teenager I was very disappointed. They look fun (well the picture on the packet does) but when I unwrapped it it was a faded facsimile of the box cover image and it tasted like cardboard. But I liked the idea of a breakfast fruit pastry, especially a home made version filled with real fruit over jam. Okay the icing on top is just sugar but you can skip this (although a part of me asks, "But what about the sprinkles? Who will love the sprinkles?").
Whenever I come back from overseas I always find myself inspired. This past week we came back from America visiting San Francisco, Sonoma County and Portland. And we had a blast eating all the food there.
Americans are really different from Australians. We are generally more laid back while Americans seem to be enthusiastic about things. I noticed that whenever we would order some food (which was a lot of times hehe), they'd answer with a bright, "You got it!". At first I think I was a bit surprised at how enthusiastic they were but I got into it.
A woman biked past me in the park the other day and the poor thing was struggling up a hill. I looked up just as she went past and we made eye contact and she gave me a look and a smile and said breathlessly, "I'll get there eventually!". I smiled and my newfound American lexicon had me blurting out, "You got it girl!" with much enthusiasm.
Pretty much what I said as I was icing these pop tarts!
So tell me Dear Reader, do you pick up phrases from when you travel? What do you think about commercial pop tarts? What is the difference between Australians and Americans in your opinion?
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