Recipe: Colourful Chia DragonFruit Fruit Shake Parfaits Recipe »
If you're looking for a colourful fruit filled treat for breakfast or dessert then try this low sugar dual layered dragonfruit parfait. The bottom layer is a creamy coconut raspberry or matcha pudding and on top is a freshly blended dragonfruit and pear shake. For when you want to add some colour to your life!
I've always been fascinated by the look of dragonfruit. This incredible pink fruit that has either a bright pink or white flesh inside them. Truthfully the fruit itself isn't that exciting and on the bland side (polite for boring) which seems contrary to its dramatic look. I mean just look at them. They look like they should be bedazzled and bejewelled!
The only time I really like dragonfruit is in shakes. Dragonfruit needs a bit of extra sweetness to coax out any flavour that is has. In a shake with a bit of sugar it becomes very refreshing. If I see dragonfruit shakes while holidaying overseas I usually order one to quench my thirst (also because it's much cheaper to buy in Asia whereas here it is very expensive) The fruit is also high in phytonutrients and antioxidants. It's considered a superfood (although really I guess most fruit has a lot of healthy components in them).
My dad is an avid superfood junkie. Every time I drop by he is making some sort of green shake with the latest superfood. The other day I needed something-I often ring my parents to see if they have this ingredient or that (side note: we're training Mochi to be left home alone so I can pop out to the shops more easily!).
He knocked on the door and I opened it a little to see who it was. My dad was still hiding around the corner and his hand reached in and handed me the item and then disappeared. The only part of him that I saw was his hand! I mean he's a very shy man and that means that he is often too shy to say hello to his daughter! I suspect he was going to hot foot it back home to make a kale shake!
So tell me Dear Reader, do you believe in superfoods and if so which ones are your favourite? Have you tried dragonfruit and what did you think of it?
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