Banana Breads

Recipe: Baby Caramelised Banana Breads Recipe »

Baby Banana Breads

Want a lunchbox sized treat? These mini caramelised banana breads are a wonderful sweet treat. With just the right amount of spices these soft, wholesome cakes are the perfect fruity lunchbox snack.

Every week when I buy bananas, they start to turn brown within a day. By day 3 they're perfect for banana bread. But how much banana can you put in banana bread? Well you can use a few if you decorate it with caramelised banana!

The first batch I made of these was good but it wasn't great. I could have put the recipe up but I didn't want to because they didn't wow me enough and I figured if someone was just coming to my blog for the first time and they tried this recipe they'd probably just think they were ok but I wanted them to LOVE them. So the next week I repeated the banana buying process and the fruit flies swarmed by day three so I made another lot. And they were pretty damn good. I mean I may not be able to do things but one thing I do do is always give things another try.

Baby Banana Breads

I don't know about you Dear Reader, but every day I am sort of reminded at how bad I am at things. Last week, we were at a restaurant the other night and we really loved the music. Like really loved it so much so that we were swaying and singing while seated at the bar. Then Garth took out his phone and his app gave us the words to the song that was playing, "Here I go Again" by Whitesnake. Nina filmed us signing impromptu karaoke and then sent it to me. In the cold hard sober light of later that night I slid into bed and listened to it. My goodness we were absolutely awful. Between the three of us (Mr NQN refused to sing), I don't think any of us ever hit the right notes. Ever. I shut the video down wincing and looked at Mr NQN. His expression was a combination of "I told you so" and "I pity my poor tone deaf wife".

Then today I was taking Mochi out for a pee. I came back and saw one of my neighbours, a friendly guy who was cleaning his car. We chatted for a while and then he asked if I was going to do my training with Nina which I do in the garden. I answered no, that I only did it twice a week. "You don't really do much of it do you?" he said. "I see a lot of talking but not a lot of action," he added. I couldn't even take offense as he was correct.

As bad as I am at these very basic skills, at least I promise that I'll be here for you Dear Reader, baking when things get tough! ;)

So tell me Dear Reader, can you do karaoke? Is there a skill you really want to acquire? And how long do bananas last in your household before they're only good for banana bread?

Baby Banana Breads

Baby Caramelised Banana Breads

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An Original Recipe by Lorraine Elliott

Makes 6 mini banana breads

Preparation time: minutes

Cooking time:

  • 3 eggs, room temperature
  • 1/2 cup ripe banana
  • 113g/1 stick butter, softened
  • 3/4 cup caster or superfine sugar
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 1 cup cake flour
  • 2 tablespoons milk powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • Fat pinch of salt
  • 2 bananas, extra
  • 2 teaspoons raw sugar

Step 1 - Preheat oven to 140C/280F and line a mini loaf tin tray (this makes about 6 breads). Whiz the banana and 1 of the eggs together in a food processor and set aside. Beat the butter and sugar together until pale and fluffy. Add the remaining two eggs one at a time making sure to mix together well between additions. Then add the banana egg mixture.

Baby Banana Breads

Step 2 - In a jug whisk the flour, milk powder, baking powder, vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg and salt together. Add to the butter mixture and beat until combined. It must be mixed well but stop as soon as it becomes a uniform consistency. Using an ice cream scoop, divide the batter evenly between the cavities. Peel bananas and cut in half horizontally. Sprinkle with the sugar and bake for 35 minutes. Then turn the heat up to 180C/350F and bake for another 5 minutes just to turn it golden.

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