Recipe: Peking Duck Sushi Recipe »
If you're a frequent entertainer may I offer you a crowd pleasing Christmas canapé? Chinese Peking Duck Sushi! Small balls of sushi rice are seasoned with chives and are served on a slice of cucumber, a brush of hoi sin sauce and crispy Peking Duck skin!
Every December I usually do a series of edible Christmas gifts but this year I thought I would mix it up by doing a series of nibblies for Christmas entertaining. Over the Christmas period there are so many people that drop by to drop off presents or to say hello and there are so many catch up with friends that I thought I'd make some recipes with delicious but easy to make bites.
Sometimes you just know that something will be good. I feel that way about most Peking Duck items. If you add it to practically anything it will be guaranteed to at least improve something or make it magically good (it's like chocolate and cheese that way). And this sushi? Well it's as good as it sounds. The crispy skin is a natural partner for rice and serving it this way makes it appealing too.
I must admit I was intimidated by the idea of this which I first saw on a friend's Instagram account. Hers was much fancier and it was eaten at a restaurant. So it took me a little while to get it together to try to make this. I was reluctant and slow moving-like a sloth...
Speaking of sloth lovers, Nina recently messaged me. She had a most unusual craving: fried rice. This is very unusual for as she is super healthy eater. She asked me if I had a recipe. I pointed her to one that I thought she'd like. I didn't hear back from her for the rest of the day so I messaged her and asked her if she had made it.
"I bought all the stuff but I locked myself out the house so I can't go home until Garth finishes work:(. I just had a nap in my car. I must look like a hobo", she replied. I mean honestly, if that sort of thing happened to me, I think I'd take it as a sign and probably give up on cooking.
The next day we were chatting and she mentioned her fried rice. "I still haven't made the rice. I was too lazy to boil the rice. Maybe if I boil it tonight I'll have the mojo tomorrow....I bought all the ingredients though." Which was one step in the right direction I guess.
The next day she messaged me again, "Hey, guess what! I'm boiling the rice. I'm only doing the rice boiling part today. I'll have to have some recovery time before the whole frying thing."
I asked her if she still felt like eating fried rice to which she answered, "Less so but I have no other food so it's no longer a choice." Oh Nina! I think that was a major hint that I should just cook her fried rice.
So tell me Dear Reader, do you like Peking Duck? And would you give up on making an item if the same occurred to you?
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