Recipe: Chocolate Almond Popcorn Recipe »
Movie or TV nights have never been as much fun than with a cup of this chocolate almond popcorn snack. This chocolate nut combination is a sure fire crowd pleaser and making popcorn from scratch is as simple as having a paper bag! Trust me :)
I was inspired to make these by my trainer Nina who every Sunday eats a chocolate almond magnum ice cream. It's her end of the week snack treat. Or so she assures me. When the City to Surf race was on recently I texted her to see if she was participating. Her response to me was immediate. "Nooooo I'm on my sofa. It's more comfortable." I don't know about you Dear Reader but I'm starting to suspect that Nina isn't as fitness oriented as I first thought ;) That isn't an issue for me, if anything I feel like it makes her more relatable actually.
This winter we've been training indoors although technically we do outdoor training. I've even convinced Nina a couple of time to put on the television so we can at least train with some entertainment. My end goal is of course to progress it to just watching tv. And probably eating this popcorn.
But given that I am paying for it, it will probably be the most expensive tv session I've ever watched lol ;)
So tell me Dear Reader, do you have snacks when you watch tv or movies? Do you have a weekly or occasional treat? What is your food weakness or reward? Mine is chips!
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