Recipe: Pokemon Go Buns Recipe »
Are you right into the Pokemon Go craze? Are you one of the groups of people that wander the streets looking to capture rare or elusive Pokemons? Surely such activity requires sustenance and these adorable little Pokemon Go Pikachu bread buns filled with a sweet or savoury filling are the perfect snack!
Mr NQN as expected is very much into these games. You know how some people are early adopters of technology? That's him. If I ask him about anything tech related, he will be totally across it. I'm a bit more resistant, sidling up to a new app or tool with a touch of nervousness. But not him, he'll try anything.
These Pokemon Go buns were his suggestion. Mainly because chasing Pokemons is hungry work and he thought that other people might like a pocket sized snack to take on their adventures. I wasn't sure how they would go but I wanted to do some cluster buns that you could fill with either Nutella, peanut butter a pizza filling depending on your taste. I made the buns honey flavoured so they could go either way and I was surprised at how easily they came together. I dubbed these the "You've got nothing to lose buns" because I didn't hold much hope for them. But they ended up being really easy, rather cute and deliciously soft to boot. I know they don't look perfect but it's a bit difficult to control bread at times. Sometimes it rises and puffs up too much.
Something else that I've been working on for the last few years is my driving. I haven't written much about it but it has been going smoothly. No accidents and no lost points touch wood and only one parking ticket. I do have one rather strange thing that I do when I drive.
You see I prefer to drive barefoot. I think it's because I learned to drive during summer and during summer you tend to wear thongs (flip flops haha I should clarify for those readers in America). And you're not allowed to wear thongs when you drive because they can get stuck under the brakes or accelerator. I told people on Snapchat about this and the North Americans said that driving barefoot was illegal. But for Australians apparently it is legal (in NSW and Victoria as far as I know). It is often recommended instead of high heels or thongs. So every time I drive up to a place I take a few minutes to put on my shoes. It's not the most elegant entrance but I'm working on that ;)
So tell me Dear Reader, are you an early adopter of technology? Are you having fun playing Pokemon Go? And how about driving barefoot? This is apparently a huge area of contention on driving websites!
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