Recipe: Truffled Croissant Madame Recipe »
Looking for a fun weekend breakfast that you can create at home yourself? This hybrid croissant madame is perfect for a weekend breakfast or brunch in. Instead of bread, croissants are used and served open face and topped with ham, bechamel sauce and the piece de resistance-a truffle infused egg with fresh truffle on top!
Even if you don't have a truffle this is a fun version on what is essentially a ham and cheese toastie. Croissants are wonderfully buttery and take on even more crunch once toasted. And if you are fortunate enough to have some truffle you will probably already know that these gorgeous treats love butter and fats as they help bring out the flavour of truffle. And if you're feeling a bit like a shut-in with the cold weather outside then you don't have to go out to have a special Sunday treat.
Speaking of feeling like a shut-in, you'll probably have read about or participated in the Pokemon Go augmented reality game phenomenon. Last week I wrote about Mr NQN's Ingress, an augmented reality game. The people that brought out Ingress brought out Pokemon Go and that seems to have taken much of the world by storm.
Mr NQN reported seeing about half a dozen people near where he works in Surry Hills all playing it. I tried it out but stopped almost immediately when I realised that I would have to leave the house to play. Naaw I said to myself, it's winter. If I could play it while watching The Americans while snuggled under the covers and eating croissant madames with truffles then we'd be talking but going out in the cold? Hehe talk to me when spring comes along...
So tell me Dear Reader, have you tried Pokemon Go? What do you think of augmented reality games? And what is your current favourite breakfast item?
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