Recipe: Vegetable Vindaloo Recipe »
A spicy vegetable, vegan curry that is super rich on flavour but light on cream or nuts? It's entirely possible! This vegetable vindaloo is a powerhouse of flavours. And don't worry if you can't take things too spicy, this is adjustable for heat.
Vindaloo is usually made with pork and originates from Goa and the name refers to meat, wine-vinegar and garlic from the Portuguese "Carne de vinha d'alhos". Over the years the wine has been substituted with vinegar and outside of Goa other meats are also used and the meat is no as commonly marinated in vinegar. It is one of the spiciest items available on menus in Western countries.
It's true what they say, that travelling to other countries allows you to appreciate the wonderful aspects of what you take for granted at home. And as much as I adore travelling I have to admit that I do miss the wonderful food that we have in Sydney. It's not just the food, it's the breadth of food. And one food that I miss when I go overseas is spicy food or chilli.
I was coming back from a trip when I messaged Mr NQN from the airport about to board a plane.
"Hi honey, I'll see you soon. And can you get curry?" I asked him. And when I arrived home he had bought a selection of curries from the Indian takeaway around the corner. One was a vegetable vindaloo because the other thing that I crave are vegetables. We opened up the four types of curries and I tried a bit of all of them but it was the vegetable vindaloo that I loved the most. The heat was punchy but not insurmountable and the vegetables were just what my body was craving.
And that began a little tradition that after a trip away we would get some vegetable vindaloo. The man at the takeaway shop even makes it fresh for me when they don't have any. We are eating a lot of vegetables dishes at home keeping meat options for when we go out and a couple of meals at home a week. It got to the point that I craved it so much that I wanted to see whether I could make a vegetable vindaloo at home.
I can offer no claims of authenticity here although I have to admit that it smells and tastes just like his vegetable vindaloo which was reassuring. Usually the pork is marinated in a cup of vinegar but the vegetables weren't marinated here. You see I had a bit of a brain lapse and the curry leaves that I wanted to use were no good so I had to leave them out. But this curry without any coconut or rich ingredients is a powerhouse of flavour. It's not just heat, there's no real point to a fire breathing heat that will kill your taste buds. This was spicy but not intolerable at all and didn't even have us reaching for something to drink. But it was the host of spices that really made this a gorgeous curry. A part of me only thought that I really enjoyed Indian curries if they had cream or cashews (because I adore creamy things). But this vegetable vindaloo proved me wrong.
So tell me Dear Reader, do you enjoy vindaloo curries? Do you have a curry that you always order? And what is your fallback take away? Do you cook when you come back from a holiday or do you eat out or get take away?
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