Recipe: Mojito Ice Blocks Recipe »
The best way to cool down on a weekend afternoon (or weekday, I'm definitely not judging), is with a cocktail like a mojito. But what is you froze it to make a tasty ice block that cooled and relaxed at the same time? It's a cinch too! Let's get freezing! :)
I'm really working on my drinking skills lately. You see I have a genetic disinclination towards alcohol. Whenever I drink it my face flushes and I become very hot. But the way I am trying to get around this is via cocktails like mojitos. Summer is definitely a great season for cocktails and it was on one 40 degree day that also happened to be on a Friday night I decided to mix the idea of a cool ice block or popsicle with one of my favourite cocktails: the mojito.
A mojito is a simple but absolutely delicious concoction. Made with rum, sugar syrup, lime and muddled mint it is one of the most refreshing cocktails you can have, especially for summer. Originally invented in Havana, Cuba there are a few stories as to who and how this cocktail came about. So how would it go in an ice block or popsicle? Well after some testing I discovered it goes very well indeed. You can even make it easier by using commercial lemonade instead of soda water and sugar syrup. And these are an absolute cinch - you do not need any cooking skills to do these. It's simply muddle, mix and freeze!
Anyway, the genetic thing apparently is an Asian thing. My family are terrible drinkers. During family gatherings when Caucasian people are invited (not including Mr NQN, he is considered Chinese), my uncle's girlfriend Lian tries to make them feel welcome with some wine so she orders a bottle of red wine. Everyone gets enough to taste and no more (try splitting one bottle between 10 people) and we all pretend that we drink. There's a toast and then a sip (or a pretend sip if you're my parents) and then we may mention how drunk we all are. Don't judge us, it's a thing. ;)
So tell me Dear Reader, do you have a favourite summer cocktail? How many drinks do you usually have when you're going out? What is your favourite type of alcohol to drink?
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