Recipe: Farro, Roasted Beetroot and Beetroot Green Salad Recipe »
This beetroot salad is full of goodness and uses farro, a grain with a gorgeous nutty texture. The farro is paired with roasted beetroot and capsicum as well as a recent discovery - beetroot greens the leafy top of the beetroot. Beet greens actually carry more nutrients than the roots yet have a mild, delicious flavour not unlike spinach! Once you try these you'll never discard the leaves again!
Whenever we go food shopping and there is someone giving out food samples, Mr NQN and I will have two different reactions. He will studiously avoid the person even going so far as avoiding that aisle while I will always give something a try if I like the sound of it.
I asked him why he avoided the samplers. His explanation was simple, "I don't want to feel obligated to them to buy something." Fair enough, I do feel that even if I didn't particularly care for the sample. I'll usually ask them which aisle it is in and then tell them that I will buy it and talk to them at length about it. He just shakes his head at me but I feel somehow that because I have tried it, I should go through this elaborate ruse to avoid hurting their feelings when in actuality they probably don't care that much if I buy it or not and they're probably more thinking about their sore feet from standing than anything else.
While he eschews samplers at the shops, it's usually very easy to get him to sample food at home, especially if it is made up of salad, fruit or vegetables. This was one dish that I made when he happened to be working from home one day. It's rare that he does but I took the chance to have him hand model because it's almost impossible for me to do any sort of these shots when I am by myself.
I recently tried sauteed beet greens while I was overseas and they were so delicious that I decided to cook some up for this salad instead of discarding them as I usually do. They have a flavour not unlike spinach and cook quickly and easily. The best thing about them though is that they actually contain more vitamins, minerals and antioxidants than the beetroots!
This salad has a nutty crunch from the farro balanced with the sweetness of beetroots, roasted red capsicum and a honey sweetened dressing. It's not overly sweet by any means but it is a versatile side salad or indeed a nutritious main meal. This sounds very braggy but honestly, this is such a tasty, nutritious and wholesome salad that I really urge you to give this a go!
So tell me Dear Reader, do you avoid or try samples when offered? And if not, what are your reasons? Do you eat beet greens? And have you tried farro?
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