Recipe: Beetlejuice Cookies For Friday the 13th! Recipe »

It's Friday the 13th again and what better way to take the sting out of the day than with some ghoulishly fun cookies. These biscuits are based on the main character of Beetlejuice from the film of the same name. Why him? I'm not sure but I do know that waiting once a year for Halloween is just too long a wait...
I'm a product of my parents except for one crucial thing. I'm a total ghoul obsessed with Halloween and all things on the dark side. And since I am only allowed to have Halloween once a year, I figure that Friday the 13th allows me to let my love of the gruesome out!
This year for Friday the 13th I wanted to make some Beetlejuice cookies. Do you remember the late 80's film about the ghost Betelgeuse played by Michael Keaton and directed by Tim Burton? I'm not sure why I thought of him except sometimes when I let the crazy out it goes in all sorts of unpredictable directions. It was also one of my favourite films. I figured that Beetlejuice might be good to make a cookie out of because well, nobody else had and it seemed a good a time as any.
As always it was lots of fun decorating and it was with a devious giggle that I showed Mr NQN the cookies that I would take to my parents' house for dinner. My mother looked at them and her brow furrowed before asking, "Did you buy these in Scotland?" which only made me giggle further. My dad was more blunt as always and said, "You put me off my appetite!" which only made me laugh harder. And h finished the entire thing, gruesome face and all.

I come from a family where things are directly communicated. Growing up my mother refused to say the word please to us as she figured that she didn't have to say please to her children and any "feedback" was always blunt and to the point. "Get me this," and "You did that wrong," were not uncommon. Perhaps it was a Chinese thing, I don't know.
Contrast that with Mr NQN's family, the spiritual hippies that encouraged their children to do anything and everything (well as long as it didn't involve eating an animal, mining or cutting down a rainforest). Any criticism was cushioned in soothing tones and with a preceding balm of compliments.
Being married to Mr NQN means that I've had to rethink my direct approach. It was really brought to my attention when Mr NQN came into the bedroom one night while I was reading.
"The fridge door is having some trouble closing. I just closed the door but you may need to make sure that it closes properly..." he said.
It took me a few seconds to realise what he was saying. That I hadn't closed the fridge door properly. I would have been much more direct and said, "Honey you left the fridge door open." And he would have said that I was being a bit too direct with telling him that.
So tell me Dear Reader, are your family blunt and direct or more sensitive to feelings? And were you a fan of the movie Beetlejuice? Has anything bad happened to you so far today or have you had good luck?
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