Recipe: Orange and Hazelnut Cake with Figs, Honey and Gorgonzola Frosting Recipe »
A glorious fig cake that pairs a flourless orange and hazelnut cake with gorgonzola dolce frosting, dripping honey and fresh figs, this is pure cornucopia with its abundant, sensual ingredients. It is also one of the easiest cakes to decorate yet delivers in presentation and wow factor. Perfect for Valentines Day!
There are all sorts of rules that exist. Some exist to keep order but there are times when I'm truly baffled as to their purpose. For instance, I was watching a youtube video where they interviewed Kate Moss. She made a remark about how it was totally not the done thing to match your lipstick to your nail polish. As if the fashion police would swoop on you and throw you in prison for violating the matching lipstick and nail polish code. I looked down at my nails.
They matched my red lipstick. I could almost hear the fashion police sirens coming for me. Which is probably why I can never be part of fashion. I'd be firmly in the back row, trying to jump over heads to see what was on the runway. Or I'd be the only one eating from the sushi tray with Liz Lemon.
Sometimes rules are meant to be broken and odd combinations can work. For Valentines Day I wanted to make something a bit different. This year like all years I watch for fig season to start and I hand picked six of the plumpest figs I could find (I'm that crazy lady at the fig stand, picking each up and weighing each in her hand). I decided to pair this with some gorgonzola dolce, not an unusual combination of course but I decided to make it a cake and use the gorgonzola in the frosting.
From that I started adding in things that I had in the pantry. Honey is a great partner to figs and gorgonzola and after eyeing the oranges that remained uneaten for a week I decided that the cake would be based on the heavenly orange cake by Claudia Roden. It's a cake unlike any other where whole oranges are cooked and then pulverised along with ground nuts, sugar and eggs. It has such an incredible texture to it and would be dense enough to hold up plenty of plump, luscious fruit and flowers.
If you have friends or loved ones that adore the sensuousness of figs and the flavour of gorgonzola then this is the cake for them. But really, it's for anyone that you might love because the gorgonzola is as strong or mild as you want it to be. It's really nothing more strange than salted caramel or dipping your fries in a sundae and the sweet gorgonzola gives it a richness without being overly odd or out of place. I adore those beautiful cakes with fresh fruit and flowers and the added advantage is that they are so easy to decorate and require no special piping or decorating skills - let nature do the hard work!
So tell me Dear Reader, did you know about the lipstick and nail polish rule? Do you follow it? Is there a rule that you don't understand why its existence? And what are your plans this Valentines Day?
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