Recipe: Prawns, Salsa Verde & Golden, Crispy Potatoes Recipe »
*A vividly coloured and flavour packed summer dish, this is ideal for entertaining on weekends (or long weekends). The potatoes are golden crispy and moreish while the prawns are given a burst of flavour from the herb rich salsa verde. Everything needs very little attention and the oven and food processor do much of the work. *
So Dear Reader, it has been almost two years since I started working out with my P.T. Nina. In that time I've exasperated her and in return I have become fitter and stronger (comparatively speaking). In actuality she tricks me into exercising and we spend much of the time talking about hot guys and shopping, two vitally important discussions and before I know it, our workout is over. She told me about a term that most of her clients (including me) turn to her for and that is "outsourcing motivation for exercise". I couldn't have agreed more.
When it comes to making dinner, I like to apply the same rule of thumb, that is, to outsource the work. This dish is a classic example where you outsource most of the work to the oven and food processor and you sit down watching the Golden Globes or the Oscars while your food cooks behind the scenes. There isn't actually that much that requires attention I promise.
I bought some prawns one day and I also had some potatoes and herbs that needed using. They're not ingredients that you see that often together but I thought of perhaps doing a summery salad type of dish with prawns and golden roasted potatoes. The burst of flavour would come from a vivid green salsa verde.
Literally "green sauce" it is a often used condiment in European and Mexican cuisine used with seafood and vegetables. It is made with herbs, garlic and olive oil and is glorious in its flavoursome pungency. The one I made is closest to the Italian salsa verde as it doesn't contain mayonnaise. If you love bold, savoury flavours, perfectly cooked prawns and golden roasted potatoes then I urge you to give this a go. And I think this is just about perfect for Australia Day gatherings too!
So tell me Dear Reader, what are you making or serving for Australia Day? Do you outsource many things? And what tasks would you like to outsource if you could?
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