Recipe: Frankenstein Sandwiches Recipe »
Sometimes I do my best thinking while in the shower. Who am I kidding, I definitely do all my best thinking then. It's the idea of being away from contact from others and distractions. And one day while I was washing my hair, I wondered to myself, if I could exist in any television show it would have to be True Blood, The Addams Family or The Munsters. While I love shows like Orange is the New Black there is no way I would ever want to be in prison.
You see for all their quirks, The Addams Family and The Munsters are full of eccentric but lovable characters. Which is how I see my friends. And I know that if my friends came over, they wouldn't bat an eyelash if I served these Frankenstein or Fred Munster sandwiches for lunch. In fact I think they'd be quite delighted. But if you have small monsters that perhaps want to eat something fun for Halloween, this is a tasty but easy treat.
Trick or treating is getting more popular nowadays in Australia and some streets decorate themselves in Halloween finery. A little precaution before all those sweets is to precede it with something more nutritious and savoury, something a bit more wholesome like this. These are easy to make multiples of and one or two of these will set any kid up for a great time trick or treating.
See, do you like how I called these wholesome? ;)
So tell me Dear Reader, have you ever trick or treated? And which television show would you like to exist in and why?
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