Recipe: Devilled Egg Chicks Recipe »
Dear Readers, for those of you have been kind enough to ask about my desperate driving adventures, I'm pleased to say that I now only have a few month's left on my P's (provisional) and the world's longest license might be coming to an end! I've become more confident with driving and although I still grip the wheel and sometimes forget to breathe when going through tunnels, I'm traversing Sydney with relative ease. Relative, I stress. Come mid year I could be on my proper driver's license. And mid year isn't that far away!
This year is progressing at an alarming rate and all my "to do" plans have become in danger of becoming expired New Year's resolutions. I still cannot believe that it is April already and Easter is upon us. Not that you wouldn't know as hot cross buns appeared in stores during January this year!
I saw this adorable Easter idea on the fantastic Mark from Javelin Warrior's Instagram and squealed with joy. Mr NQN is a boiled egg fanatic - I swear he could enter a boiled egg eating competition as he sucks back egg after egg with much savour and relish.
They're a cute idea that is really straightforward to do and come together quickly once you have the eggs boiled. I dare say that kids might turn their attention away from chocolatey treats for these little cuties, if only momentarily!
So tell me Dear Reader, are you finding that this year is moving ahead at a frightening pace? What food do you look forward to most during Easter?
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