Recipe: Easter Simnel Cake Recipe »
One recipe that I was fascinated by was Simnel Cake. This cake has a history as far back as Medieval Times. Simnel cake is like a fruit cake but with three layers of marzipan to add moisture and flavour to the cake. Traditionally, it was a cake served on Mothering Sunday or Simnel Sunday, the 4th Sunday of Lent. It was made by servant girls returning home to their mothers. On top there are eleven or twelve marzipan balls to signify the apostles with or without Judas. Nowadays, it's often associated with Easter.
This post is brought to you by Woolworths Gold
My mother and father are fairly quiet people. I rarely hear about their upbringing in their respective countries of Singapore and Hong Kong but when I do hear snippets I feel like I get a better understanding of what their life was like and how their personalities developed to what they are today.
I always connect my childhood memories with food and good memories always seem to have an element of good food attached to them. The other night my mother described birthday parties growing up on a rubber farm in Singapore. She described how she and her siblings would receive not cake but a plate of fried noodles, two boiled eggs and some fizzy drink on their birthday. The fizzy drink was an orange flavoured drink made by a local factory but during that time, it was an especially fun treat. Her mother was widowed during the war and with six young children to look after, treats were rare but her mother always made sure that the kids had something special on their birthday.
From when I was small, I used to love reading an enormous 3 inch thick "Good Housekeeping" cookbook that my mother had. I would wear it down while poring over its pages looking at treats I had never seen before in my life. They were British Australian recipes and I looked at it at least once a week. It became so worn out that the spine came off and it split into still two volumes.
In it I used one of my favourite products from the Woolworths Gold Range, their Ligurian Bee Honey from Kangaroo Island in South Australia. I was fortunate enough to visit Kangaroo Island a couple of years ago and it was a beautiful, unspoilt wilderness in the world. The honey produced there is rather special indeed as it is made using the last strain of pure Ligurian bees. Kangaroo Island's distance means that it is too far for mainland bees to fly onto the island keeping the strain pure. It is also considered to be the oldest bee sanctuary in the world. The taste of this honey is wonderful and it recently won a silver medal at the Royal Melbourne Fine Food Awards.
I ended up making this cake using a huge bag of dried fruit that my parents had gifted Mr NQN for Christmas. They know of his love for fruit, fresh or dried and this was a gift that he happily ate from. As it was a 1 kilo bag, he scarcely made a dent in it so he happily offered it up for this Simnel Cake. It's a straightforward cake, even more so if you buy marzipan but I love the taste of freshly made home made marzipan. And it gives me an excuse to put those cute little Easter chicks on a cake.
So tell me Dear Reader, do your memories involve food? And are you yay or nay for fruit cake and or marzipan?
And pssst here is a little peek at the Woolworths Gold Easter range with three handcrafted eggs in White & Milk Chocolate With Salted Caramel, White Chocolate With Cranberry and Pistachio and Dark Chocolate With Blood Orange. Plus a 900g bunny that has my name on it!
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