There are some people that might think that one would be slightly crackers to make your own home made crackers but they haven't tried these. I have two bags of cornmeal in my fridge that were gifts from friends and I must admit that they deplete quite slowly because I don't use cornmeal that much apart from dusting bread and pizza dough. I occasionally make a cornbread but when I saw the cornmeal crisps on Marysol's lovely blog I knew that I should try and make them.
Oh they are very good indeed-delicious even and definitely worth making. They will stay crisp for a few days in an airtight container but are best eaten fresh which is no hardship because I found the buttery, crispy crunch hard to resist. I didn't get the lovely curl that Marysol did but the flavour was fabulous-like a cross between a chip and a cracker I ended up snacking on these by themselves. The texture is a lacey crunch that you just get addicted to.
Dear Reader, do you ever promise something with the very best intentions and then completely forget to follow through on it?
GULP. Yep, that was me. I promised you something back in August. It was a little mention of home made crackers with my 5 minute lime and chilli hummus that I completely forgot about. So I hope you'll forgive me when I come to you months later recipe in hand.
Luckily, I have two bags of cornmeal huh? ;)
So tell me Dear Reader, do you ever completely forget things that you promise to do?
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