Recipe: The Spectacular Upside Down Blood Orange Cake Recipe »
This Upside Down Blood Orange cake actually a combination of two cakes . The first was one that Queen Viv brought to my house for a dinner party one night. It was made with blood oranges, those spectacularly coloured but short season citrus fruit that is currently in season. She explained the process of tiling the blood oranges so that you got a magnificent effect. She even loaned me the gold plate that she had brought it on for photos.
The base of the cake is actually from a quince cake by lovely reader Jaqi. She made me an upside down quince cake and it was beautifully soft and moist. I could only find quinces for a very expensive price at the local store even though they were in season so I decided to combine the two concepts and make the one cake-the blood oranges from Queen Viv and the base from Jaqi. Don't think that this is a hard cake at all. The blood oranges are like making an icing or decoration-in fact they're easier than you would realise. And the base is fantastically easy but produces the perfect cake for an upside down one. It bakes perfectly flat so there's no need to trim anything. All you do is bake, cool a little and then flip and glaze. I promise you that this is spectacular to serve to anyone and Queen Viv has even made this with regular oranges tinted pink when she can't get blood orange and it still looks beautiful.
A few weeks ago I told you about my latest attempt to learn a new skill that I should probably already know by now: riding a bike. Well, the first lesson was somewhat of a success. It was half an hour of bulging eyed panic. Nevertheless, I persevered the next weekend and within the next half hour, I was riding a bike by myself.
Okay it was on the kid's track and I was mentally content to ride around that for a while until I kept getting overtaken by kids (by kids!!!) and I realised that I was getting in their way and that they were wondering why the adult was on their track. Moving myself from the kid's track, I managed to go around the adult's bike track at Centennial Park without too much of an incident. I did get very anxious when a car would drive up past me thinking that they were headed straight towards me but eventually realised that they would pass me. Thankfully there was no crash and I sort of got the hang of gears (sort of I say, I think I understood them in theory but not in practice).
The whole point of learning about this was so that I could ride a bike in Bangkok on our holiday so that I could see more of the city. Unfortunately, we had left the lessons too late and with only an hour and one loop around Centennial Park under my belt, we realised that the crazy city of Bangkok was not the place to try my newfound biking skills. But never one to give up, Mr NQN found a bike rental place at a nearby park and we went for a ride. Except I was quite unprepared. I was wearing a dress and ballet flats and back in Sydney I would only ride with full protective gear-hell I even wanted to wear a sealable air bag costume!
I climbed onto the bike gingerly. "This doesn't feel like my bike" I said to Mr NQN wishing for my bike at home (which I remembered with sudden and novel fondness). The bikes were poorly maintained and the right pedal was half missing. But with the saying "it's just like riding a bike" going on in my head, I went off, first down the wrong track until Mr NQN steered me the right way. I gathered up speed and he yelled "There are no gears so use your brakes if you need to!" and off I went...
Straight into the bushes.
Mr NQN rushed over I had only gone a few metres and suddenly I was among the bushes, my left ballet flat was broken but above all, my imaginary fantasy of riding a bike and my pride was hurt the most.
I have no more spectacular sporting feats to share with you but I do have this spectacular cake that may I suggest might be just right for father's day coming up.
So tell me Dear Reader, what are you doing for Father's Day? And have you ever had an accident on a bike or car? And do you like the new site design? Are there any changes you'd like to see made? We'll keep adding improvements as time goes on :)
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