Recipe: Low Fat Eggplant Dip - Melitzanosalata Recipe »
One of the most annoying things about losing some weight are the compliments. I know that people mean well but there's a part of me that cringes when someone says "Oh wow you've lost SO much weight!" and their hands go from measuring a size that effectively doubles their girth to something smaller. I know it's often meant as a compliment but it has me thinking "How big did you think I was in the first place?" or indeed that irrational part of my brain says to itself, "Wow I have no idea how big I was!" The logical part of my brain (yes there is one) has to then take over and say "You've only lost one dress size, calm down" but all the while, the "compliment" rattles around in my mind.
Anyway, for those of you like me that get these strange sort of backhanded compliments but love food but need to balance out good food with healthy food, can I offer you this low fat eggplant dip as a creamy dip substitute. So many dips are high in calories or fat because they contain nuts or cream cheese which of course taste good but this one is creamy but not calorific at all.
I've been making it for years, spurred on when I find good eggplants (those that are heavy for their size) and it's really a matter of popping the whole eggplant in the oven for an hour, cooling it and then blitzing it to a smooth, creamy puree. It's strong in garlic, halve it if you want but I think that the garlic adds much to it. Also feel free to use herbs if you have some but the eggplant itself takes care of the smooth texture.
And eat it knowing that it's good for you!
So tell me Dear Reader, what do you do when you get compliments like that? Accept them graciously but then fret or do you take them on face value?
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