Recipe: Mushroom Pâté Recipe »
The mushroom pate is a full flavoured pate, not missing anything even though there is no liver or meat involved. It has a creamy pate texture from the cream cheese and flavour from the garlic buttered cooked mushrooms. You can make these individual ones for everyone using a friand mold or you can make one large one.
My work tends to entail a lot of meetings or phone calls, both of which are a normal part of the day. I try to make these phone calls rather than face to face meetings as travelling to a location and having a meeting can take up the better part of the day while I would rather be in front of the computer writing or in the kitchen creating recipes. However, there is one person I speak to on a semi regular basis that I prefer to have face to face meetings with.
It's not because I like to stare into his eyes or anything, really it's because he speaks so quickly that I find myself not understanding most of what he says. I'll catch the occasional word in a sentence and if I'm lucky, I'll get the meaning of what he's trying to say but as he speaks a mile a minute, I find myself saying "sure" to basically everything and then asking him to put it in an email to me so that I can ascertain what I've said yes to. Sometimes, I really have no idea what he is saying and I could have sworn that he said "mushroom pate" whereas we weren't talking about food at all. I had to wait until he emailed me to find out that mushroom pate actually meant "Martin's party."
But it did get me to thinking and to make matters worse, my mind wandered off while he was talking and I started thinking of mushroom pate. You see I had just bought a huge paper bag of mushrooms. I was going to make another mushroom lasagne but then decided to make something for guests that were coming over for some drinks. I decided to forego the aspic as I don't particularly like it but I wanted to make use of the friand tin that I had that I only really bought to make friands in. I wondered if I could make a sweet grape jelly to sit on top of a mushroom pate and unmold it.
So tell me Dear Reader, do you prefer to communicate by phone, email or in person?
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