Recipe: Vegemite & Cheese Sausage Rolls Recipe »
About these Vegemite and cheese sausage rolls...the Vegemite provides the salty umami flavour and the cheese melts in little pockets. Depending on the ferocity of how you like your Vegemite, you can add more or less of it. I balanced it with a little sugar added to it and along with the buttery puff pastry.
Which brings me to this combination-while not fusion, it is the combination of a few different Aussie concepts. Vegemite, of course is that Australian salty yeast based spread, a cousin of Promite and Marmite and perhaps other 'mites that I can't think of. That salty goodness is tempered by the presence of cheese and it's all wrapped up in that very Australian lunchtime snack of a sausage roll (always my tuck shop item of choice).
I remember walking down a street in Sydney's Chinatown. It was very crowded, the crowd's pace moving steadily but slowly. There was a busker to the right that caused a bottleneck so the normally evenly dispersed crowd bunched up. In front of us were two tiny Chinese women that would have been around eighty years old. They were both carrying shopping bags full of food and they were walking by shifting their weight from one foot to another while balancing their bags. I overheard a snippet of their conversation.
In the broadest Australian accent I had heard, one said to another "I bought lamb chops the other day. I got 'em at a great price and they threw in some snags too. Hong just can't get enough of them with his fried rice!" It was a voice straight out of Kath & Kim and could have been Kath talking to Kim about Kel's eating preferences.
I loved this little snippet of conversation so much and my friend and I just smiled at each other thinking that we could just listen to these two ladies all day long musing aloud about East meets West combinations.
So tell me Dear Reader, what do you think of Vegemite?
P.S. If you're looking for other Australia Day ideas here are some:
No knead cheese, onion & beer bread (easy level of difficulty)
Caramel Lamington Map of Australia (medium level of difficulty)
Koala cupcakes (medium level of difficulty)
Carrot cake ice cream (medium level of difficulty)
Lamington Tiramisu (medium level of difficulty)
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