Recipe: Coconut French Toast With Rum Syrup Recipe »
French Toast is a staple weekend breakfast at our place. Not only does it allow me to use up the bread that is past its prime but it can be done in 10 minutes or under which for someone that loves to sleep in and potter around quite a bit before making food, means that I can get my brunch eaten before 12 o'clock. I feel somewhat embarrassed at eating brunch after 12noon.
This is a quickish French Toast recipe with an extra step from the rum syrup. You could use maple syrup or honey but if you want a really special syrup, I would urge you to try this rum syrup which we both really quite smitten by. In fact, I might just make bottles of this to give to friends this Christmas as you can do it in a matter of minutes and adds to the coconut flavour of the French toast.
Dear Reader, I am a terrible sleeper. I wake up at the slightest noise and love to sleep long and deep so earplugs are my best friend. I love to sleep in on the weekend and if I have an early appointment, I am always slightly resentful. Even if it's something monumental, I'll still inwardly kvetch at the idea of rising early on a weekend. So the Queen wants to meet me? "Humph, aren't we almost a republic?" I'd say. "I hope there are some sandwiches" I'll mutter to myself. I should add that apart from when I wake up, I try to conduct myself with alacrity but there is a time between waking and my first cup of tea where I am quite frankly quite surly ;)
So tell me Dear Reader, what time do you sleep in until on weekends?
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