Recipe: Hot Chocolate Layer Cake With Marshmallows Recipe »
One recipe that isn't in the book as it isn't mine but I decided to make was this Hot Chocolate Layer cake with Marshmallows. I got this recipe idea from Arwen who blogged about a "Hot" chocolate cake with the heat in the cake itself. The chocolate cake was richly spiced with cinnamon, black pepper and cayenne pepper rather than hot in temperature. I liked her idea but I wanted to incorporate marshmallows into it so I did some searching and found a recipe for a Hot Chocolate Layer Cake with Marshmallows which I would just add the spicy seasonings to. The cake is moist, chocolatey and rich and the hint of spice lends it an interesting dimension beyond your regular chocolate cake. And the marshmallows? Well they'll just have you wondering why all cakes aren't topped with them!
Ahhh June 2011. It was supposed to be the month when my book was published. I know postponing the book's release date to April 2012 to include a chapter where I got to interview the Domestic Goddess herself Nigella was the best thing for the book. However I am notoriously impatient. When Mr NQN was asked to give five words to describe me impatient featured twice. Unamused should have followed shortly afterwards! ;)
Still, knowing that it is a better and more complete book because of my meeting with Ms Lawson doesn't make it any easier to stay behind the start line but I know a book isn't like a blog where you can add another chapter or story. Once it is printed it is printed. One thing that the extra time has allowed me to do is test the recipes at leisure. Whilst the book is a memoir and not a cookbook, there are a dozen or so recipes that feature at the end of certain chapters where they fit into the story.
In the editing process a few chapters were edited out. These chapter were about how my book deal came about and my publisher felt that they took the reader outside of the book that they were holding. I initially included them as I thought that people might be interested in how the book deal came about as it took quite an interesting path and it was nothing and I mean _nothing _like how I thought book deals happen. I remember reading Stephenie Meyer's blog about how her book deal came about and it was very different to mine and many others. I also feel everyone has a book inside them and some readers, blogger or not, are hoping to become published. My publisher Miss K. suggested putting the chapters on the blog which I thought was a great idea and I shall do closer to the release date if anyone is interested.
In the meantime, I am busy having recipes tested. All of the recipes have been tested by myself in order for me to write them but I have enlisted the help of three people to test out my recipes so that they are bulletproof. Mr NQN is my first, having only cooked four times in his life (I don't count boiling pasta and topping it with cold sauce from a jar as cooking). My mother is my second tester who is a great savoury cook but not a baker and the third is my friend Nic who is a keen baker and spoke music to my ears when she volunteered to help me test the recipes. It was too much to ask of a non family member to do and I gratefully accepted her offer.
So tell me Dear Reader, would you be interested in reading about how the book deal came about? And do you have a book in you and if so, what is it about?
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