Recipe: Surprise Gift Pavlovas Recipe »
Life isn't quite as fun without the occasional surprise. And if it's in food form and it's not a surprise like "Oh guess what? You just ate a fermented yak's testicles" then all the better. I was pondering pavlovas, as you do when you're hungry and have a few egg whites in the fridge. I originally wanted to make a trifle with a meringue top burnished with a blowtorch but ever since Donna Hay put a trifle on her current magazine cover and eight trifle recipes inside, trifle bowls are about as scarce as a quiet night at home in December.
So I said to myself as I was shopping "Stuff it!" and stomped off and out of the shop. Hmmm stuff it? Could I possibly take my own advice and stuff a pavlova shell with fruit and cream? After all the pavlova does rise and create a cavernous hole just begging to be stuffed with goodies.
I raced home and bought some cream and fruit on the way. I whipped the egg whites and baked them and let them cool. I whipped the cream until stiff and then cut out a hole and removed the bottom and piped whipped cream into the hole and then stuffed it as full as I could of sweet fruit. And just because I can't leave well enough alone I drizzled some raspberry sauce and cream on top and served it with a bit more whipped cream. I can say that as annoyed as I was when the trifle bowls were sold out, I was glad because it gave me the idea for these. It tastes just like a berry meringue except of course the surprise is in the inside! I should think that if you were particularly daring, you could even try this with a larger pavlova although I would exercise a little caution as a large pavlova shell is a bit more delicate. I guess that could be considered part of the surprise?
When I was young, all I wanted was a surprise party and to this day, I have never had a surprise party. My parents didn't really fuss much about birthdays and celebrations. To them, it's an excuse to eat great food and give a red packet of money to a child. That was much easier than traversing the minefield of buying teenager's and adults gifts. The elaborate planning necessary for a surprise party plus the secrecy which is against my mother's genetic makeup (she blurted out to many of our wedding guests on my wedding that I had forgotten to bring along my underwear-discretion is not her forte) meant that a surprise party would never eventuate.
Still, would it have killed them to throw me one surprise party? ;)
So tell me Dear Reader, have you ever had or thrown a surprise party? And how did it go?
And I know Christmas is edging dangerously closely. If you're stuck for something to make as a gift, may I point you in the direction of some past stories if you feel so inclined to make a gift:
Christmas Wonderland Rocky Road
Plus of course, everyone's favourite, Bacon Jam!
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