Recipe: No Knead Bread aka the Restaurant Sourdough Doppelganger Recipe »
I've mentioned my readers umpteen numbers of times. I love how you send me fantastic recipe suggestions and places to eat. One reader Stefania emailed me recently with a recipe suggestion for a No Knead bread. The recipe is by Jim Lahey of the Sullivan Street Bakery and Co Pizzeria and addresses one of my biggest problems pre Kitchenaid - the inability to knead dough. I've never been able to knead dough properly-my arms just aren't built for it although they are very good at carrying bags of shopping and dropping things and taking doors off hinges (accidentally of course, I can be freakily strong at the most inappropriate times).
I had tried no knead breads and this was purely out of laziness. No knead as in I gave up really quickly and couldn't be bothered kneading it anymore. They always turned out cakey and not bread like at all but I was willing to be a believer. Even when the dough seemed impossibly wet. Even when I waited 12 hours while it proved overnight. Even when the dough stuck to the teatowel. Even when I changed the amount of yeast from 1/4 teaspoon to 1 teaspoon. You might say I was cautiously optimistic until the very end when I opened the oven door and saw a wonderful (albeit small as the dough had stuck to the teatowel :P ) round loaf.
Fresh out of the oven I cut the crusty exterior. "Hmmm very sourdoughy" I said to myself (and you know I do talk to myself all the time although not quite full conversations...yet!). I peered inside and it was holey just like a sourdough. I buttered it and tasted it and it had a lovely crunch on the outside and a soft, spongy, moreish interior like a fresh sourdough. I thought I was seeing or tasting things so I gave Mr NQN some to try.
"Hmm it tastes just like restaurant bread" he said. I grinned triumphantly and sent a thankyou to Stefania.
So tell me Dear Reader, do you usually eat the bread that they give you at restaurants? And do you prefer it with butter or olive oil?
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