The winners are:
Louise T. of Footscray
Tania G. of Springwood
Congratulations to our winners and enjoy your Beater Blade! :)
I don't know if you remember my Koala cupcakes story from the other week but I got to test drive a brand new attachment for the Kitchenaid called the Beater Blade. Beater Blade is a flat beater with a rubber scraper or wing that means you dont have to stop and scrape the bowl when youre mixing which is fantastic for creaming butter and sugar (hello buttercream!) and it also acts like a spatula!

So when Kym from Fully Baked offered a Beater Blade for two lucky Not Quite Nigella readers I was delighted! It is a fantastic idea for buttercream (and means that you don't have to stop, scrape and restart and do all of that palava numerous time while your buttercream is mixing (and let me tell you it's a pain when you have to gradually add in colour). The Beater Blade is suitable for either the Kitchenaid tilt-head or lift model or the Kenwood 6.7 litre. Beaterblades will also be available for Kenwood Chef around end November.
All you need to do is make up an amazing buttercream flavour. Truffle buttercream? Caramel swirl buttercream? Let your imagination go wild! **Add your entry via a comment to this story. You can enter once daily as long as your answer is different. This competition is open to Australian restidents only.
This competition is open to Australian readers. The competition ends midnight AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time) on the 30th of September, 2009.
Good Luck to everyone!
If you can't wait for the competition and want to get your hands on a Beater Blade you can contact Kim on the details below:
Kim Tyshing fullyBaked Pty Ltd
PO Box 381
Camberwell Vic 3124
t 0408 518 638
e fullybaked@bigpond.com
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