Recipe: Bougatsa - Custard Filled Filo Pastries Recipe »
Every cuisine has their late night food. The food that whilst perfectly good during the daytime, tastes even better after a long, late night and is best enjoyed when your memory of it and whoever you kissed is fleeting and when your stomach craves something buttery or greasy to balance the alcohol within it.
Greece's late night food looks almost too damn pretty to give it a tag of "late night food" (click here for an example of a late night monstrosity I had in Finland called the Kannibal). No greasy kebab or pie, it's a delicious custard filled filo pasty parcel. I first heard about this from a Greek friend and my interest intensified when I started talking to David Tsirekas from Perama restaurant, a restaurant that I visited only the other night. He'd twitter tempting things such as "making mandarin bougatsa" and I'd be urged to bump this to the top of my "to make" list, a messy scrawled piece of paper that I've clipped to my teapot wall calendar. I knew of course that I wasn't going to make the filo from scratch and my version wouldn't be as amazing as his but I persevered.
These were very, very good. I wouldn't be so presumptuous to say that they were as good as the ones at Perama but if you want to make your own version at home, say late at night when the clock strikes midnight, these will certainly do. I loved the crunchiness of the buttery, light filo and the softness of the oozing vanilla and lemon custard.
And yep you guessed it. It's Wallpaper Wednesday! How about some Bannoffee Peanut Butter cups? I'm sure we've all made a quick version of this late at night with a spoon, some chocolate and a jar of peanut butter!
So tell me Dear Reader, what is your favourite late night food either at home or when you are out? A kebab? A pie? A friend used to get the urge to make wedges at midnight. What's yours?
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