I have to confess something, I cheated on this Valentines Day. Not in any matrimonial sense, but in a cooking sense. I used the same macaron batter mix for these Strawberry and Red peppercorn macarons as I did for another macaron recipe. Given the high temperatures I couldn't bear to do much baking and I thought that killing two birds (or in this case dishes) with the one mix would do.
We don't do anything particularly huge for Valentines Day as our wedding anniversary is only a couple of weeks afterwards. This year we're celebrating by going to New Zealand's South Island (if anyone has any tips on the South Island I'd love to hear them). Still we felt the need to celebrate it in some way so what better way than with food. Sure, Valentines Day is, like weddings. I had a debate with my husband about Valentines Day - he asked what we were doing and I reeled off a list of girly themed things including movies, food and perhaps a picnic, weather permitting. He asked why there weren't any guy things scheduled and, exasperated I reiterated that Valentines Day is really a female thing. That's why things are shaped like hearts, not power tools.
We were never the couple that people would have pictured together, yet somehow it works. And another unlikely pair that is said to go well together is strawberries and peppercorns and for this occasion what better shade of pepper to use than pink peppercorns.
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