"Coconut Ice" Ice Cream

Recipe: "Coconut Ice" Ice-Cream Recipe »

Ahh Coconut Ice. That stalwart of school fetes and fairs where mums, busy with working along with everything else were expected to whip up something for their kids to sell. I remember lots of hundreds and thousands coated toffees in those white patty pans (they always stuck and I always have a memory of toffee and wax paper), Honey Joys, Chocolate Crackles and of course Coconut Ice. Made because it was relatively easy and produced a lot but was still pretty to look at and easy to portion out to sell.

I'll admit this version isn't quite suited to school fetes as it would melt in the hot sun but for a bit of a trip down memory lane I decided to make a Coconut Ice version of Ice Cream. My husband has been crying out for me to make some more ice cream as the climbing temperatures meant that when I recently asked him what he wanted for Christmas he simply bleated out plaintively "Ice Cream". That was all he asked for. After all he was given a slew of Christmas Joy crushing gifts for Christmas as a child (ranging from rocks to toilet cleaning products). Which led me to think, what sort of Christmas wishlist do I have? I have very specific and admittedly peculiar tastes and I feel sympathy for those buying me presents.  So in case any of you dear friends or family are reading, this is just a random list of out loud thoughts on my Santa list:

If I've been very good I'd like:

Step 1 - Chanel Kaleidoscope nail polish

Step 2 - Wicked Umbrella from the London show (in the shape of a witch's hat)

Step 3 - A nice big box for all of my cookie cutters (and I mean a _big _box)

Step 4 - Diptyque candle in Baies Noir

Step 5 - A box of Zumbo cakes and macarons

Step 6 - A blue MJ Stam (from hubby, I don't imagine anyone else would buy me this!)

Step 7 - A gift voucher for Berkelouw books

8. Nigella Christmas book

Step 9 - TV show DVDs (Seinfeld Season 9, Girls Next Door: Playboy Mansion and Monk Season 6)

Step 10 - Sparkly Louboutins in 36.5 please (why can't Jessica Seinfeld gift me with these? OK that's right, I'm not Oprah...)

So tell me dear reader, what's on your Christmas wishlist?[


"Coconut Ice" Ice-Cream

Did you make this recipe? Share your creations by tagging @notquitenigella on Instagram with the hashtag #notquitenigella

An original recipe by Not Quite Nigella

  • 2/3 cup shredded coconut

  • 1 cup caster sugar

  • 1 cup lite coconut milk (not full fat)

  • 1/2 teaspoon coconut essence

  • 1 cup condensed milk

  • 1 1/3 cups thickened cream

  • A few drops of pink or red food colouring

Step 1 - Place all ingredients but the milk and cream in a blender and blend until smooth.

Step 2 - Then blend in milk and cream quickly for 5 seconds just until combined. Either refrigerate until ready for use or use straight away.

Step 3 - Place in ice cream maker (I used my Cuisinart one) and churn for 25 minutes until a soft serve consistency is reached. Then remove ice cream and place in two separate bowls. With a spatula drop in a few drops of pink or red food colouring and stir to combine. Leave the other bowl as white.

Step 4 - Place in freezer in two long rectangular freezer proof containers or you could layer it half pink and half white and cut into cubes once frozen hard.


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