Recipe: Creamy Potato and Zucchini gratin Recipe »
Let me introduce one of the most delicious ways of making a Potato and zucchini gratin. Adapted from Nigella Bites, it's a touch more involved than bunging everything into the oven but it's also 100% foolproof and swoon worthy that you'll never made potato gratin any other way again.
I need to issue some words of warning. The following presentation is R Rated, contains adult themes and graphic references and is not recommended that dieters or people fearing calories continue reading. Parental Guidance is recommended for those watching their carbs and there are some explicit carb on carb scenes contained within.
The hardest part is slicing the potatoes thinly but a mandolin will slice almost 2 kg of vegetables in about 3 minutes flat. Even better was that my husband has developed a bit of an appreciation for it so he gladly volunteers for mandolining duty. A minor miracle if I ever saw one.
Nigella's original recipe was for a potato gratin but I felt that the addition of another vegetable such as a zucchini (and I've made this successfully with fennel and mushrooms too) elevates this from a side dish to a vegetarian main event. You could very successfully serve this alongside a Christmas roast and keep the vegetarians happy as well as the meat eaters (although it's so good, you might want to double the quantity).
And as for the carb on carb action that I promised you? Get your softest white bread roll, with a spread of butter (why not, as this point you'll be beyond calorie counting) and stuff it full with this potato and zucchini gratin and, if you like, some ham. It's one of those moments when you'll swear allegiance to the carb and think to yourself what a truly ludicrous life it would be without some hot, raunchy, carb on carb action.
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