Recipe: Chili Chocolate Brownies Recipe »
An invite to the launch of the Allrecipes Australian website is exciting especially as it's paired up with fellow food bloggers, friendly industry people, lovely journalists and food in a lovely setting. This evening, we're led up several flights of stairs to a softly decorated room, much like someone's living room, decorated with sparkling fairy lights dotting the sky with a long table strewn with chilis. I meet Ian Hemphill and his lovely wife Liz. Ian is the face of Herbies who provided us with 2 Spice Kits for our competition. He is just as affable and friendly as he is on TV and passionately devoted to food and he is scheduled to give a little speech tonight.
We're served a selection of food made from recipes on the website. There's Grilled Kangaroo and Cactus Tostada and Jamaican Prawns but my pick is most definitely the Chili Chocolate brownies, the Brownies crunchy on top and the inside gooey and gorgeous. It's so soft that taking your fork and transporting it to your mouth is a hard task and it's fall-apart gorgeous. I usually sample a dessert but this time I'm finishing this baby myself and not giving up an inch of it.
When I get home I know what my mission is: it's to make these browniesagain as I know my husband, one of those men that loves eating "foods that may kill you or at least make you look brave or crazy eg Durian or 75% dark chocolate", loves Chili Chocolate. The chili in this brownie is not a subtle afterkick, it is present during every step of the way so if you prefer a more subtle aftertaste, you may want to adjust the quantities (start with 1/4 teaspoon and taste the batter but the chili taste will be milder when the batter is uncooked).
I didn't find that I got the crunchy top with my brownies, although the gooey chocolateyness was definitely there as was the chili hit as promised. As mentioned, the chili flavour does deepen on cooking so just be aware when you make your brownies that when you taste the raw batter it's milder.
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