Recipe: Apple Cinnamon Vice Cream (Vegan Ice Cream) Recipe »
I'm not a vegan, not even close to being a vegan. But what I am is a cashew nut lover. I was curious about this ice cream as I had heard rave reviews from vegans but what I wanted to see was how it stacked up for a non vegan. Was it as good or were vegans just grateful for a halfway decent recipe that allowed them to partake in one of their favourite childhood treats?
I know I've been moaning about the cold but for this start of Spring I thought I'd coax a little warm weather out by making ice cream. I was pleased to see that there was an Organic version of Camp Maple Syrup and given that I was making a healthy ice cream, it seemed fitting to buy this.
The timing for this was fortuitous as I was sick with the flu so I couldn't eat any dairy. But that also meant that my sense of smell and taste was affected. Once I was on the mend however it meant that I could judge this with a critical tongue and whilst it replicated the texture somewhat of ice cream, it isn't what a non vegan eater would call like ice cream. It's not bad, but it's obviously not as "creamy" tasting as ice cream. Using something like soy milk would probably yield a more accurate ice cream doppelganger. Perhaps I need to try another flavour, which I will, one day.
Ice cream is probably my least favourite item to photograph, it takes a lot of hurrying and technique, moreso than any other food except for perhaps a souffle that may fall. So if my ice cream photos lack somewhat, it was probably as a function of my lack of expertise in the area and lack of enthusiasm for photographing this temperamental creature.
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